3: Sparks

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Rain hit the cement in loud plops, followed by water splashing as feet hit the soaked streets in a hurried pattern. Roy mustang, continued his steady trudge down the darkened streets, his legs weak from lack of use.

Walking at his side was a small dog, which was keeping up to the alchemist just fine in his hurried pace.

Just a few more yards...

Roy's heart slammed against his chest with every step, something he hadn't felt in a long time. His eyes where no longer dulled out with loss and lack of hope, no, now they burned with an incredible spark, one that was almost terrifying. And Still, It wasn't Roy. His body burned with an desire, a maddening desire, a desire to change what couldn't be changed.

A hearty cackle erupted from the alchemist, it sounded wounded, but also incredibly dangerous. The thoughts running through his head where bringing him closer to breaking, loosing his sanity. After tonight, he'd never be haunted by images of his lover again... instead, he could actually hold him, talk to him... The real him.

After tonight, everything would be right again....

He wasn't ever going to let him go, he wasn't going to let him down ever again.

Once the raven haired man arrived where he'd been instructed to go, the small dog shifted back into Envy, his body still mangled from living on the bridge of insanity. "...where is he..." Roy hissed, staring up at the abandoned building that once held Ed...and his screams from torture. Rain poured down, soaking every inch of bare skin on the alchemist, remembering all the pain Ed had experienced here, sent chills up Roy's spine, Half out of pain...and half out of pleasure. Yes, at this point, the thought of Edward feeling-being- anything but dead, was good.

Envy waited a moment before telling the alchemist, "Inside...on the box..." Envy whimpered in reply. The willingness and eagerness Roy had about all this scared the humunclus for some reason...

Once Roy had entered the building, it'd been only a matter of seconds before he found his way to his lovers body. It was still untouched by decay, and anyone in their right mind, would have noticed something was wrong, but, then again, Roy wasn't in his right mind.

He held the cold body in his arms, his soaked figure holding him tight as he found his way to the floor, sitting on the floor cradling him. "...hey baby..." He muttered, tears stinging his eyes. Running his trebling hand through Ed's tangled hair, he continued to talk to the lifeless form. "I'm sorry...but I'm gonna make it up to you...I promise..." He continued, his voice soft and promising. "I'll make it all better..."

AN// hey guys! I hope y'all have been enjoying my sequel so far, yes the chapters have been 1) weird, and confusing. 2) short and 3) very cliffhanger-y XD so my apologies. Once can stop skipping around and actually have Ed in the story it'll all be better:) also, any spelling errors in this chapter, please forgive...my anemia is on the fritz.

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