video game and secrets

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Today Karin is going to reveal some of her secrets and Christmas is after a week 🦌 .


Karin pov
I was still shock by what we did , well it not like we kissed but it was really cool .
"You..." I heard Toshiro shout , I ran to the door and saw  Toshiro holding Yukio by the collard .
" What are you doing here , I told you to stay away from Karin " he shout again  , what  really happened between them .
I went to separate them and turn to Yukio " hello Yukio , what are you doing here ?" I asked him  " well , I'm seeing your hair are white back , I came because I have that new game , you know ' between us ' I thought you will like to play a party " my face light up " really , so let go to the living room , Toshiro you're coming with us " I told Toshiro and he became annoyed " Karin , I don't have the time for games and I don't think I will stay in the same room with that guy " I can't believe it , he's starting again " shiro , i'm asking you , your coming with us and I think we already talked about that problem ...uh Yukio there's no problem if Toshiro come with us " i asked him , I hope he will not be annoyed , we never played with somebody , only the two of us.
" If it make you happy then I don't have any problem Rin "  thank God , at least there will not be a fight today " then enter and DON'T CALL ME RIN " I turn myself to Toshiro " are you coming ?" He nodded and came in . We start the game "Red Night" and Toshiro and Yukio were already in a competition , the totally ignore me and I made a plan to win and I won.
" I won , let's do another party " I asked them " Karin , your too strong for us " said Toshiro " we will loose again " added Yukio " that not cool , are you not ashamed of yourself " I pout hoping the will change their mind " not really , women can do many things that men can't " Toshiro said , " I have an idea , if you win  ,  you can ask me any of my secret " the look  at each other then hold their manet " so what are you waiting for ? " The say at the same time , that one of the things I like about them , they are never surrender .

Some minutes later
What the hell , after two victories , I loose and now I'm afraid of what the will asked  " Well Karin , we win "  the look at me with a genius smile , I don't like this expression " well , you won , you can ask me any of my secret , who is starting ?" " Me " Yukio said a serious face " are you in love with somebody ?"  what kind of question it is , well I don't have the choice but to answer " well , yes I'm in love with somebody , but I'm trying to move on him and I don't know but I can't " I said with a sad smile , how can I tell them if I'm not sure if my own feelings .
" Well , shiro is your turn " he looks at me with those eyes , those eyes I fell in love with "who is the person you love and why are you trying to move on"  OMG how I'm supposed to answer this question , how will he take it
" Well , I love ......"

Suspension and I'm opening a new book of one shot , I have many ideas and if I don't write , I will forget , so see you later

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