Chapter 12 - gasp

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Chapter 12 - 4 September

It's Thursday. The boys celebrated Jeongguk's birthday a few days ago. 'Finally. Finally, I am twenty!' yelled Jeongguk that morning. Since they still had college, they just celebrated it with some alcohol and snacks in the evening.

Jeongguk couldn't stop thinking about Taehyung's confession that one night. It started to stand out a lot since Jeongguk was really paying attention. He found out that Jimin, Hoseok, and Namjoon all know about it. Jimin sneaked in some water to fill Taehyung's cup on his birthday instead of alcohol.

He heard Taehyung doing sit-ups every night but decided to not disturb him. Jeongguk feels a sort of need to save Taehyung. They've been getting closer since last week. They go out on walks and chat about life. They both keep their past a secret and that's fine. They never talk about their issues, only happy things.

For now, it's fine like this. But Jeongguk started to think about the boy a lot. Not only about his eating habits, but also his features. Taehyung is a pretty boy. With a little too flat cheeks, big brown eyes, and thick eyebrows. Lips probably softer than a thousand pillows and a cute round nose.

Right now, Felix and Taehyung are in the bathroom of Taehyung's dorm. Taehyung isn't wearing a shirt since Felix is trying to make a good picture for their project. They need three starter photos in a month. Felix took a spontaneous photo of Taehyung's smiling head in the park.

A genuine smile on a portrait; perfect for the cover and first photo of their project. Now he is trying to take a picture of Taehyung's upper body with the clear ribs visible. Felix tries to create the image of a normal teenage boy with a secret under his clothes. That must be a catchy start. Taehyung is gonna take the other two photos, one of his feet on the scale (which is gonna be a big struggle probably) and the other one is probably going to take a photo of a weekly doctor's test result.

That's the plan till now.

"Can you look a little less, emotionless?" asks Felix, taking pictures of his friend. Taehyung feels awfully uncomfortable, having to show his body. "How do I need to look then?" snaps Taehyung.

Jeongguk and Jimin hear the two bickering. They were casually chilling and chatting on the couch but they keep hearing the discussions.

Jeongguk discussed Taehyung's confession with Jimin two days ago since he found out Jimin knew. The two share a glance and stand up to take a look. Jeongguk opens the door and the first thing he sees is Taehyung's naked upper body. The skinny arms and shoulders stand out until Jeongguk sees Taehyung's ribs. He really is thin.

Jimin appears from behind Jeongguk and gasps. That's when Taehyung and Felix notice them and gasp too. Jimin yanks Jeongguk away from the bathroom and they hear the lock of the bathroom door click.

Only then realizes Jeongguk that he was holding his breath. "You weren't supposed to see that," mumbles Jimin. Taehyung is gonna be very upset now. Jeongguk however is in a sort of shock. That was thin.

Jimin sighs and plops on the couch. "His eating has been getting worse," he sighs. "Ever since Sunday. He barely ate at all Monday, and it's just not good," he mumbles. Jeongguk sits down too. He feels a great urge to help Taehyung, but he doesn't know how. The two just sit on the couch for some more minutes until Felix and Taehyung come out of the bathroom.

Felix smiles and says goodbye before he quickly leaves. Taehyung is awkwardly standing next to the couch. It almost looks like they just had a quick fuck in the bathroom and left.

"I think I'm going for a walk," mumbles Taehyung. Jimin saddens. He always goes for a walk when he feels down and insecure.

Jeongguk stands up. "I'll go with you," he states. Taehyung shrugs and goes to his room to grab his clothes and his camera... Jimin gives a questioning look to Jeongguk which Jeongguk pretends he did not see.

Jimin has of course been noticing the looks Jeongguk gives the younger. Expressions with pity, guilt, and adoration. Jimin low-key ships the two. Maybe if Taehyung finds someone he can really hold on to, he can overcome his anorexia.

"Jeongguk, please come back when you are tired. Taehyung would never admit it," says Jimin. Jeongguk nods. "Why won't he admit it?"

"Because going on walks is like exercising to him. Sometimes he walks for hours and hours and we've had to pick him up a couple of times because he was too tired to come home. He fainted last year in the winter and we found him in the middle of the night. He was barely breathing," Jimin suddenly becomes really sad thinking about it.

Jeongguk can see that Jimin really cares about Taehyung. "We'll be back in two hours. And if we're later, I'll call you. Don't worry, Jim," says Jeongguk and at that moment Taehyung comes back.

"Let's go," he says and Jeongguk follows him outside.

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