The Deadly Bite

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In Viral's lab, Kuro was struggling on the operation table in tight steel chains. But this time, he has finally returned to his mage form again.

"Hello, Kuro." Viral said. She approached to the dark mage ninja with a silver gray worm-like necklace with a circular blue symbols around it in her hands. "Today is your lucky day for Lady Shade and Amora. I may have turned you back to your mage form again, but it's time for you to be welcomed back into the Shadow Clan."

"Release me now before I'll tear your circuits clean, Viral!" Kuro barked.

"Ha, good luck with that."

Kuro suddenly looked up and noticed Amora standing above him with a sinister grin on her face.

"Welcome back home, brother." Amora said.

Amora gripped Kuro's head with her hands, preventing the dark mage ninja from turning away. Viral walked closer to the Kuro and implanted the mind controlled worm necklace on his neck.

"No!" Kuro screamed.

Viral and Amora walked out of the lab room, where Lady Shade and Crystallia were waiting for the results.

"Did it work, Viral?" Lady Shade asked.

"Not to worry, mistress. The upgraded collar made his mind to be obedient to you and Amora only." Viral explained.

"Like this." Amora said. "Kuro, step forward!"

Kuro got off from the operation table and walked slowly forward in front of everyone with jade green eyes.

"Kuro, attack Rhona." Lady Shade ordered Kuro.

"Let's do this!" Crystallia said with a chuckle.

With a sly grin, Kuro charged forward with remarkable speed and easily took Crystallia down in nanoseconds.

"Stop, my son." Lady Shade ordered.

Kuro stopped attacking Crystallia and stood up to move away from her.

"You have done well, Viral." Lady Shade said. She walked past Viral and stood in front of the brainwashed Kuro. "But it's time for a real test. Kuro, destroy Sage, the K-5, the boy's best friend, and your two other pathetic siblings. Eliminate them at any cost."

"Yes...mother." Kuro said with a smirk.


In the Crete Fortress, Kirana and Sage charged each other with tessen training in the dojo. Kirana managed to overcome Sage, even though her mother was trying to fight her pain without any use of spells. Sage still needs some time to recover fully from Samara's brutal strike. Kirana got the upper hand to attack her mother, but she suddenly stopped making her move.

"You didn't attack me at my disadvantage. Why?" Sage questioned.

"Because you're still injured, mother." Kirana replied. "You have to recover."

"I guess you're right." Sage said softly. "As I want you to continue, I know that I can't force my pain to strain my strength and speed."

Sage sat comfortably on the floor and closed her eyes shut.

"Iyashi tengoku." Sage uttered.

Sage's hands suddenly glowed bright white and clasp them together as her entire body was engulfed in white energy. After the spell was finished, Kirana looked at her mother in awe.

"Mother, what kind of spell is that?" Kirana asked with a wondrous face.

"It is an ancient mage technique known as the Healing Heaven." Sage explained. "Would you like to learn more?"

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