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Brunette: Yoona

Rainbow haired kid: Sehun


"Yah! Thief!"

The boy started to wail loudly at the girl. In her hands was a spade that she had conveniently taken from the wailing boy. The girl chuckled and proceeded using it to build her sandcastle.

The door behind the two kids opened and out ran one boy and girl towards the younger kids.

"Im Yoona, what did you do?"

Her older sister demanded as she watched the older boy patting the back of the boy, calming him down.

"Taeyeon, don't shout at your sister, I'm sure she didn't mean it."

"Yoong, apologize."

The said girl now known as Yoong stuck out her tongue at her sister before turning to the still crying boy.


Yoong casted her eyes downwards as she peeked at Baekhyun, the brother of Sehun who was calming the boy down.

"All right Sehunnie, don't cry anymore. You are a big boy and big boys don't cry."

Yoong listened to the words of Baekhyun and heard the wailing calm down into sniffles. Deciding that she should show that she is sorry, Yoong held out her hand. Sehunnie looked up confusedly at the girl with his puffy red eyes. Giving a smile, Yoong tried to prove that she was friendly.

At first, Sehunnie was skeptical but slowly and with the encouragement of his brother, he reached out his hand and put it onto Yoong's outstretch one. That marked the start of their friendship.

That year, they were 5.

"Yah! You thief!"

The furious guy pointed a finger at the brunette girl who was bursting out in laughter.

The pair was lazing around playing quiet monopoly during a weekend until a furious rainbow haired scolded his playmate for being a thief. Apparently he had checked his 'property' to find that at least half of his money and houses had made their way over and blended in the brunette's property without him knowing. When he finally accused the girl of stealing, the brunette just shrugged and laughed at his face. This caused the rainbow haired kid rise even more in anger.


The door to a bedroom opened and out walked Taeyeon and Baekhyun who seemed worried and alarmed by the commotion.

"What happened?"

"Nothing noona. Its just that she stole my money."


Another voice interrupted as stares were being directed towards the said girl. Yoona put on her best smile and blinked innocently, hoping to ease whatever anger that might be directed at her.

"Taeyeon unnie, I was just playing."

Yoona stuck her tongue out an shrugged her shoulders.

"Sehun, Yoona is just playing with you."

"But she stole my property."

Baekhyun whom the young boy complained to gave a sigh before turning his attention to the seemingly innocent girl.

"Yoona, can you please return the properties back to my brother?"

"Okay, Baek Oppa."

Thief (SeYoon) (ExoShidae)Where stories live. Discover now