J.H~pt 2i love you but fuck you

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She Broke down crying in my bed as she sobbed so hard

J:w-what did I do that he didn't want me?did he not love me!?was I not enough for him!?maybe because I'm useless she mumbled the last part

Ja:no baby listen to me as soon as I  said that she looked at me

U deserve the world okay,you are such a wonderful girl and u are so beautiful,do u ever wonder why I hang out with you..well no because ur so nice to be around,ur so fun and it always make me feel wanted and ur so special u made me feel something else Jessa her eyes soften as she listened to the black curly haired boy with bright blue eyes talking about how much he loves her



J:I was suppose to give u something earlier *sniffle* she walked to her closet and got out a black box and she came back to me smiling and forgetting with her hands

Ja:for me?

J:yeah here she handed it to me shyly it was kinda cute

I looked at her face as she has black mascara all over her face and her eyes puffy read and her hair a mess this broke me

J:what? She said softly as she noticed me staring

Ja:ur so beautiful and I hate seeing u sad for a dick head

J:Jaden I look like shit right now as she laughed a bit

I took the box and started unwrapping the black ribbon and I opened the box to see a silver ring with j.h.♡

Ja:OMG Jessa I fucking love it wow why omg this is so amazing I immediately hugged her and she giggled

J:I just wanted to give you something for being the best person to me right now and always,all the night we spend having fun,when me and Nick were Distant u took me places,when I cried u held me and for being there I really appreciate it and I love you Jaden she said tearing up

Ja:Jess u didn't have to at all but thank you so much I love you to

We both looked until Jaden interwined our hands and I looked into his blue eyes glistening as his lips plastered a smile across his face and his black curly hair looking good as always and his beanie

Then I felt something I've never felt before Jaden's lips were kissing me and he was so passionate he closed his eyes as I grabbed his cheek and then he pulled away as we looked at each other again

Ja:I couldn't hold that any more longer he sighed

J:okay I laughed and I squeezed his hand that was still intertwined with mines

Ja:Jessa I've always admired you and I knew Nick and you wernt good for each other but I didn't want to say it and seeing you like this is terrible I think I love you Jessa summer hall

J:Jaden I know I just broke up with Nick but 3 weeks ago when me and Nick were Distant Addison made me realise I like you to but I might love you everything and every night was the best

Ja:u really l-like me Jess

J:yes Jaden I do and I felt guilty because I was with Nick

Ja:Can I as he leaned in and started kissing me and it turned to a make out he grabbed my waisted as he laid me in his lap as I moved my hips a little earning a groan from him

Ja:are you sure Jess do u want to continue or stop

J:continue as I looked at him and took of my shirt as then he but his lip

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