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(A/N: And... I'm back! Sorry about the hiatus, it's just that this week was filled with tests and essays. But now that holiday break has started, I'll update much more often! Anyways, Happy New Year to all those around the world!)

Togami's POV

'I'm bored...', I think. Out of boredom, I check the time. I scream, "OH SHIT I'M GONNA BE LATE!" I run upstairs to get my PJ's for the sleepover. It was almost time for dinner, so I grabbed a piece of toast and ran outside, making sure to lock the door. 

'With this piece of toast in my mouth, I probably look like some type of anime character.'

When I arrived, I rang the doorbell. No one answered. I tried it again. No answer. When I tried to open the door, it was... unlocked? I entered the house, heading to the Ludenberg family's movie room.

When I enter, I hear a few familiar voices.

"Finally, you're here!", Aoi exclaimed. "What took you so long?" "I didn't wanna come.", I lied. To tell the truth, I actually enjoy their company. Yes, they can be a weird bunch, but I kinda enjoy that.

Taka says, "Is everyone here?" Yamada interrupts him saying, "Ms. Toko won't be able to come today. Apparently, Ms. Genocider came alive." When I heard that, my eyes went to Komaru. She seemed pretty sad. It made sense. She really liked Toko. 

I wish I had someone to felt that way about me.

A few hours passed. It was currently Celestia was trying to teach Yasuhiro and Leon gambling. On the couch, I see Mondo and Taka being oblivious gay little shits. At the corner, I see Aoi, Chihiro, and Sakura watching BNHA with Yamada. Over at the other corner, I see Makoto, Komaru, and Kirigiri talking. I decided to go over and join their little conversation. 

"Hi 'Kuya!", Makoto squeals. "Whatever. Anyways, what are you talking about?" "Well, we were about to play that one game where you say 'it's the ___ for me. Wanna join?", Kirigiri says. "Sure, there's nothing but manga here that I can read so I guess I'll join.", I reply.

Makoto's POV

Kirigiri and Komaru were first. 

"It's the long-ass ahoge for me," Kirigiri said in a somewhat formal matter. That kinda makes her scary, which is kinda why I'm scared of 'Kuya. "It's the manga obsession for me!", Komaru countered. It kinda reminded me of the killing game...

"It's the fact that you trusted one of those monokuma things, just for it to betray you," Kirigiri stated. There were some "ooooh's" and "ahhhh's" coming from the crowd. "W-well-!", Komaru stuttered, looking for words. "At least my girlfriend didn't die right in front of me!", Komaru screamed. At this point, the whole room was looking at them. 

Kirigiri stood there, shocked. "HEY DUMBASS IM RIGHT HERE YOU KNOW!" Celestia shouted. The entire room laughed, while Kirigiri was admiring her girlfriend. "Well at least my girlfriend didn't try to kill me," Kirigiri said. Komaru looked at her, like she was about to say something that she probably would regret. "It's the fact that you found your own father's bones in a present for me," Komaru said. 

"Komaru, how many times have I said not to mention that around her!", Taka said. "Uhhhh I gotta go water my dog- BYE." Komaru ran out of the door, while we all chuckled at her actions.

Now I had to go against 'Kuya.

I shuddered at the fact, but I got up and was about to start until we were interrupted by the two twins.

"We're hereeee~!", Junko said with her sister beside her. Komaru came after them. "Oh Junko, Mukuro, we were just playing the 'it's the ___ for me' game!", Hina shouted. "Wanna watch?" "Sure, why not?" Mukuro shrugged. 

"Ok, now for this to REALLY begin!" Hina said. 

I went first.

"It's the glasses for me," I said. That was a HUGE lie. I actually love his glasses. Now that I think of it, our family has a weird thing for glasses. "It's the long ahoge for me," he replied. "Hey, Kyoko already used that!" I said. "Geez, don't bitch-moan about it," he said. The entire room was filled with muttering while Taka sat there like a mom disappointed at their children.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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