First Day

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A/n: The picture above is Yin.^^. Sorry this chapter is a little short, but it takes place where all of the high schools are actually colleges. Enjoy (:

     I gasped lightly as I stepped onto Karasuno's campus for the first time. It had been almost a year since you toured in the fall. I couldn't help but stare at the new buildings that I would soon become familiar with. My feet leading me to one of the places I felt most at home, I walked up the steps two at a time, shivering as I felt the cold metal of the door handle and pulled it open with anticipation. Almost immediately I was greeted with the soft echo of feet on the gym floor and the squeaks of sneakers, my heart beat a little faster as I heard the familiar soft thumps and smacks of a volleyball. 

     I walked closer following the sounds from the lobby into one of the main gyms, I stood peering in from the doorway, watching as a relatively small group of boys ran through some volleyball drills. I didn't even realize I was smiling until someone's voice snapped me out of it. 

     "Akaashi-san is that you?" A certain silver haired boy called out with a smile. My face heated up as I walked in, making my presence known, "Oh, hey Suga-san, long time no see." I laughed softly, shifting uncomfortable, aware of the amount of eyes on you in the moment. 

     "Ah, I suppose I should introduce myself,-" I turned towards the rest of the team, a few of whom I'd met once or twice in passing, "I am Yin Akaashi, an incoming first year this semester, pleasure to make your acquaintance." I did my best to speak loudly, my nerves starting to get to me as I bowed. 

     "Nice to meet you Akaashi-san!" The team greeted back before going through their own introductions, it made your head spin a bit at how fast they went. 

    "Suga, is this the girl you said wanted to help manage for us?" Daichi asked, 

     "Yup this is her, she played at Mori High School and managed their boys team as well so she has the experience." Suga explained for you.

     "Ah, I might not be able to attend all of the practices due to the girls team conflicting though-" I interjected, wanting to make sure that was okay. 

      Daichi laughed, "The more the merrier, we'd love to have you Akaashi-san."

     My face immediately burst into a smile and I practically tackled Daichi into a hug, "Thank you thank you thank you!!" I exclaimed, my excitement through the roof and my former nerves gone. I quickly released the taller male, a light blush on my cheeks, "Ah sorry about that-".

     "So Akaashi-san, what position do you play? " 

     "Yeah you're pretty tall, are you a wing spiker?"

     I turned towards the two, who I remembered as Nishinoya and Tanaka. "Huh, oh, I play defense specialist for the college team, but I played wing spiker in high school." I replied, "I prefer defense to attacking though." I added.

     I swear I saw stars in both their eyes, "Beautiful and athletic-" before they finished they practically came flying at me, which I quickly avoided by stepping out of the way. I watched as they crashed into each other on the floor and burst out laughing, my laugh cutting off Suga's attempt at apologizing for the two.

     "I have a feeling, I'm really going to like it here." I admitted, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear as I smiled at the team. "Well, I've got to go to afternoon practice, good luck recruiting some first years!" I said my goodbyes before leaving the athletic complex. 

      I gripped the strap of my bag, casually slung over my shoulder, I'd forgotten about it in the excitement of meeting everyone. I took out my phone and texted Keiji, 'I have a feeling this will be our year to do great things! I'm so excited! Now let's try and meet at Nationals, good luck!'. I hit send, hearing my phone give off the quiet chime. 

      I smiled as I looked up to the sky, it was the first time in the last four years that I was away from my cousin, it felt strange to say the least. I looked back to the path and continued to one building over where the girl's volleyball team practiced and got ready to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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