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Evas POV:
I was waiting in Anna's room on my phone she was in the shower she gets out and gets dressed she gets a phone call and looks at the phone then at me she walks out of her room in frustration she goes into the theater room because it has sound cancelation but I can still here yelling hmm whatever I go back into TikTok and watch videos. Anna came back in and she looked mad.

Anna: your ready babe
Eva: who's babe
Anna: come on Eva you ready
Eva: woah are you mad
Anna: no why
Eva: because you actually listened to me instead of messing with me
Anna: would you like me to mess with you
Eva: don't ask for permission
Anna: okay bet (I push her against the wall and I move her lip down with my thumb and I kiss her, her arms were around my neck and she didn't fight back)
Eva: okay okay (I say into her mouth as she kisses me she enters my mouth with her tongue then starts kissing my neck and I let out a quiet moan then she just stops)
Anna: alright let's go
Eva: wtf
Anna: I told you your going to have to beg and your going to eventually need me (I winked at her and I walked out the room)
Eva: ugh (I follow her out the room)

Anna's POV:
I knew Eva was mad that I stopped and I liked that she wanted more we go outside and I open the door for her. When I get into the car I ask her if she wants Starbucks since it was still early she obviously said yes. As I'm driving I put my hand on her thigh and I make a figure eight with my thumb I slowly move my hand up her thigh she is definitely effected because her breathing starts to change "are you okay" I ask her "I'm fine why" I didn't respond I just continued to move my hand up her thigh slowly though. I stopped when we got to Starbucks because I had to order and pay

Evas POV:
We get our Starbucks and Anna doesn't put her hand back on my thigh, I mean I don't care but whatever.

Eva: so where are we going
Anna: mmm idk
Eva: how do you not know
Anna: oh I do know I just don't know if I want to tell you
Eva: fine be like that
Anna: I will be like that
Eva: ugh your so annoying
Anna: you love me don't lie (my eyes widened at the words I said )
Eva: I do not love you
Anna: you will
Eva: don't expect to much
Anna: I will expect the unexpected
Eva: well don't expect the unexpected because it's to much to expect
Anna: okay we've used the word expect to much
Eva: you started it
Anna: whatever babe (she rolled her eyes) what's wrong sweetheart have I offended you
Eva: nice you can quote the vampire diaries
Anna: would you prefer me to quote pitch perfect
Eva: aww you going to quote your crush
Anna: quote my crush? Which crush
Eva: Anna Kendrick
Anna: how do you know that
Eva: when you slept with me (oh shit did I just say that) I mean when you spent the night you watched all the pitch perfects
Anna: that's my celebrity crush would you like me to quote my real crush
Eva: nah I don't want to know what Sab says
Anna: I wasn't going to quote Sab
Eva: well let me hear this quote
Anna: (I smile) do you have grape kool aid
Eva said this in the chapter called bodyguard
Eva: who said that
Anna: Oh you know some girl
Eva: do I know her
Anna: I think you do
Eva: Whoever she is I want to be her friend because I love grape kool aid
Anna: (I look at her and I think she realized)
Eva: wait didn't I say that at your house
Anna: we're here (she looks up and looks back at me)
Eva: Anna who's your crush
Anna: come on we have to hike to the top to take the photos
Eva: Anna who's your crush
Anna: my photographers waiting let's go (she stares at me but I don't look at her)
Eva: Anna
Anna: babe don't make me carry you all the way up the hill
Eva: I'm not moving
Anna: okay suit yourself (I get out of the car and go to her door I open it when I lean to unbuckle her seatbelt she pulls my head and starts kissing me)
Eva: (shit shit why'd I pull her in for a kiss I pull apart and she turns my legs towards her and picks me up)
Anna: let's go (I have her on my back and I walk up till we have this amazing view of LA)
Lance: hey Anna you guys ready for photos
Anna: yes this is my friend Eva
Eva: hi
Lance: aww Anna didn't do you justice
Eva: aww Anna talked about me thanks Anna (I say sarcastically)
Anna: you talk about me too
Eva: no I don't
Anna: oh well when I met your mom she said otherwise (I winked at Eva and she looked embarrassed)
Eva: when did you meet my mom
Anna: the night I slept with you
Eva: what did she say that I said
Anna: that you say I'm so nice and I open the doors for you and that I call you cute names
Eva: omg (why did I even tell my mom about Anna ugh)
Lance: well as fun as this is less flirting more pictures
Eva: we're not flirting
Lance: could've fooled me with the winking and bumping each other while talking and Anna carried you up this hill oh and don't think I didn't see you guys kiss in the car
Anna: okaaaayyyy stalker ( me and lance laugh but Eva looks like she's going to punch someone)
Lance: okay Anna this is for your class so what are we doing
Anna: silhouette photos with our bodies and the background is the sky
Lance: okay so what are you thinking pose wise
Anna: babe
Eva: yes Anna
Anna: since your a cheerleader I was wondering if I can throw you up
Eva: have you ever done that before
Anna: mmmhm
Eva: that's very reassuring but fine
Anna: okay

Evas POV:
Me and Anna do a couple poses and cheer tricks and she takes me to eat lunch than she took me back to my house.

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