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Sixth grade was new beginnings. It was the end of elementary school and back to being the smallest kids on campus. I was excited, but I was also kind of afraid. Would I get lost? All of those new kids would be unfamiliar to me, and the thought of that scared the heck out of me! Fast forward through those awkward sixth grade years and then seventh grade came. I was way more comfortable at school now, I knew a lot of the kids and the way around school. It was in this year I was introduced to something all too familiar. Boys. Yeah, I had crushes in the past, but a boyfriend? Never. I mean unless you count that boy from kindergarten, but that's a story for another time. Anyways, I had a crush on a boy, (let's call him Juan.) Juan was in my sixth grade pe class, and he was cute to me. He was (and still is shorter than me) and in LOVE with soccer. After he asked me out, I got addicted to a sport called wiffle ball. I played it every single day, rain or shine. However, a couple months into the relationship, Juan disappeared from the wiffle ball field. I was confused, and walked around looking for him. It turned out that he had been hiding from me and playing soccer. Sad, right? What could be worse? Well, six months went by and he had had enough. Juan told my friend that I was unattractive, annoying, weird, and walked funny. He asked her to dump me for him. And when she did it, I was crushed. Juan was my first love, and hearing all of the things he had said about me made me self conscious about my appearance. I remember for a week whenever I walked I watched my feet, trying to walk better. Juan and I still go to the same school, and judging by the way he looks at me, I think that he wishes he had never said what he did to me that day. And Juan, if you're reading this, how is my walk now?

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