12 - trust

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chapter twelve


The rain droplets grew bigger and the wind slammed harder. It felt freezing but Jungkook was even colder than Jimin was. His skin was icy and his body went too stiff. He looked so lost in agony, remembering how he lost his family.

"Jungkook-ah," Jimin softly called as he caressed the man's hair. His tight embrace loosened and Jungkook carefully moved back.

"I'm sorry you had to witness me like this. I feel so ashamed and---"

"Don't say that. I was glad I'm around. 'Cause if not, you would have to deal with this alone. I don't want you to do that. Jungkook, promise me," Jimin met Jungkook's gaze and stared at him, "You'll run to me when this happens. Always remember I'm here. From now on, you have me. You're not alone anymore."

"Jimin," Jungkook managed to whisper.

"If you want to cry, do it. If you're in pain, don't hide it. Express yourself more Jungkook-ah. Do not hide everything and suffer all by yourself. Okay?"

Jungkook could only nod. He felt his heart weigh lighter than it was a while ago. He could finally breathe evenly and he was more relieved as he stares right into Jimin's eyes.

With no thoughts, Jungkook pulled Jimin for one tight hug. He muttered his thanks against his ears and Jimin couldn't help but shiver and flinch at the unexpected act. Jungkook noticed so he reluctantly pulled back though he wanted to stay that way for a little longer. He even thought how it'd feel to cuddle Jimin all day. Jungkook reprimanded himself for having such ludicrous imaginations again, however, he didn't deny the fact that he was feeling something for the man he was with right now.

Could this be attraction? Maybe. A fleeting bliss? Just his mind tricking him into thinking he likes him just because he was there when he needed him most? Or was this really a pure emotion of fondness and affection? He doesn't know yet. He knew he needed time to ponder about it.

"Hyung, ah no, Sir--- oh, you told me I could call you, Hyung? I heard it correctly, right?" Jungkook asked after they had settled themselves on the small sofa. Jimin chuckled hearing Jungkook stammer. Cute! He thought.

He nodded and spoke, "Yes. Call me hyung when no one else is around."

Jungkook smiled, which was then followed by a prolonged sigh.

"What is it? Anything bothering you? Tell me."

"Do you believe I have that ability? You know... that---" Jungkook trailed, not having the courage to open that topic again.

"I do. I believe you," Jimin said with sincerity. He does, though he wanted Jungkook to prove it as well. But he knows Jungkook wouldn't lie about it and that it took him quite the strength to reveal it to someone he just met. Jungkook was telling him the truth. He was being honest with him. And Jimin was certain believing him was worth it.

Jungkook's heart thumped in happiness. Finally. Someone who understands him. At last!

"I'm sorry Jimin, I think you'll be stuck with me from now on. I won't ever let you go."

Jimin's cheeks turned rosy. That was...

"Oh fuck! Did I said it out loud?" Jungkook cried out and immediately ran out of the living room.

hello guys! sorry for the short update again. please bear with me. hehe. I'm quite bombarded with school works and I needed to accomplish everything before this month ends. but y'all don't worry. writing an update is one way for me to relieve stress. I hope you'll drop some comments too. that way I'll know whether you're liking this story or not. haha. but, no pressure. anyway, enjoy! 🥰

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