Day 2

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Hey Noxon here. Didn't think i'd keep this going but here I am.

Today im going to talk about pain. Pain comes in many different forms. Emotional, physical, mental, morally and many more. Though for todays entry im going to focus on physical. Everyone feels pain. Unless you have a special condition in which you cant feel it. There are people who literally can't feel pain. But they cant feel other things as well. Not important though im getting off track. We all choose how to react to pain. Even if most people claim that they can't. It takes a bit of practice but you can get to the point where you know it hurts but you can keep going anyway. I've already done this. I can take repeated hits and still keep going. I haven't found my limit yet but I also havent pushed that far either. At first just do simple things like scratching yourself with your nail. Not hard enough to cause bleeding or anything just that light scratch that hurts a lil bit. Keep doing lil things like that till you can control your reactions. Do not cause yourself any permanent damage like cutting yourself or things of that nature.

Well thats it for today. Ill probably touch on this again another day. This is Noxon signing off.

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