There was a horse named sparkle it was a girl,
And the horse was new, sparkle she was nice,
Cute and sparkly that is how her name is,
Chapter :2
one day... Sparkle ran away she did not come back,
For a while, but the girl Abby new where she was...
She thought really hard and thought and thought...
Chapter :3
Abby new where her horse went because when
She was riding her the first time, Sparkle went
And tried to go to the straight ahead were they
Were they were in the paddock.
Chapter :4
So Abby told her mum and dad what happened
To her horse and they went to find sparkle they
Could not find her...
Chapter :5
The next day Abby walked out of her room
Woke her mum and dad up, and told them
Come and find Sparkle so they did...
Chapter :6
They fand Sparkle in the woods looking around
The place and sniffing around and took Sparkle
Home and feed her hey and grass there do not
Run away again