Untitled Part 2

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To say that Dan Howell was having a shit day was an understatement.
His lecturer was not only an asshole, but the devil himself. His girlfriend broke up with him, and the fact that he was having a permanant existential crisis was the cherry ontop of the cake.
He walked into his dormroom with a scowl. Not wanting to do his homework -he was in a particularly rebellious mood today- he logged onto Myspace, to see if any of his friends were online.
"Hey Dan, what happened with you and Cat? Did she dump u?"
"Dannnnn! suks tht u nd Cat brke up"
"Howell is it true Cat broke up with u? harsh dood!"
he groaned and slammed the lid of his computer shut. Some people are such assholes.
Dan didn't really feel like taking a shower, or eating... or existing for that matter. He was in the middle of wondering why he existed when his laptop gave off a small "ding"
He rolled his eyes. He really didn't feel like explaining why he and his girlfriend had ended. his laptop went of again. and again. and again. "WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU WORTHLESS TURNIP?!" he opened the $100 piece-of-shit to see that his friend Charlie had texted him
"Dan OMG!"
'what do u want?"
"have you heard of utube?"
"wtf is utube?"
"search it up on google, then search up some kid named amazingphil, what a loser"

Dan rolled his eyes, YouTube was probably some sort of porn sight. he would proabably regret going on it. But if it meant he would be distracted for the next hour, he was cool with it


"Hey guys! so today i wanted to show you this new camcorder i got from my mum, it's real ace! and then, just before, as i was walking out of my dorm, a spider attacked me like literally..." Dan chuckled to himself. SInce Charlie had first introduced Dan to YouTube, that's how he would spend all of his spare time. Watching AmazingPhil. When he wasn't busy watching Phil, he was wishing he was watching him. It had become an addiction.
He got a new notification saying that the latest Muse album had just been released, and he straight away went to twitter to tell Phil "Hey Phil, have you seen Muse's new album has just been released? it's ace as!" A couple of minutes later Dan saw something that made his heart race
"yes i totally agree! you have great music taste (; do you maybe, wanna Skype or something?"

was he joking? He wouldn't joke about this sort of thing! oh. my. god.
Motherfucking Phil Lester wanted to skype him! Dan quickly replied saying of course he would, and then sent him his Skype name.

10 minutes later, Dan answered the incoming call from 'lionsrmahspiritanimal' He clicked the accept call button and the beautiful face of Phil Lester came up on his laptop screen
"uhh hi" Phil said rather awkwardly, hating himself for not preparing something earlier
"Hi, uh, my name is Dan"
"is that a pokemon poster i see back there?"
"Yes oh my god i love pokemon, i also love muse, and chocolate an-"
"Me too!"
They both sounded like teenage girls, but they didn't care, To Phil, this was the most amazing person he'd ever met, and Dan, well Dan was in love. Even if it was a platonic love. ... then again. Maybe it wasn't

*3 months later* 

"Daaaaan please?" Phil whined, cursing Dan for being so stubborn. 
"Phil, i already told you! i don't want to make a fool of myself, i already have no friends" Phil rasied an eyebrow "Phil, you know you're more than a friend!" unfortunately, not as much as either of them wanted to be. They both knew that the other was bisexual, but then again, neither of them had told the other that they had feelings for them. so it was kinda hard really.
Since the first time they had talked, Dan had become a lot happier, he started working harder during classes, and encouraged Phil when the work was getting tough. But now it was Christmas break, and they were both back at their own houses for the next 6 weeks. Phil was trying to encourage Dan to put up a video, but Dan was worried about what people on the internet would say
"Dan pleeeeeaaaaaassssseeee, you'll do fine, and no one is going to hate you, you are way too amazing for that"

they had both started complimenting each other more, whether it be saying that they look amazing, or telling them that they loved each other (Platonically, they said, but it was much more than that)
"Dan, i'll make you a promise. If you make a video and put it up on YouTube, i'll come visit you"
Dan's heart started racing, they had wanted to meet for months, but since they were both so far away from each other, it just wasn't possible at the moment "OK. OK fine. But do you promise that you'll come see me?" "Promise". Phil smiled, little did Dan know, Phil had been planning this trip for months. It hadn't been set in stone yet, but it was still Phil's biggest goal of the moment. "Fine, i'll go make one now. and i'll put it up. But you have to promise not to laugh" Phil smiled. "Of course i won't. i have to go and do things now, so i'll leave you to it. Love you llama" Dan heart race quickened for the millionth time that Skype call "Love you too little Lion. Be safe"

Dan sighed, this was going to be a looooooong night

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2015 ⏰

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