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A week has past and we've already gotten into trouble.

Snape caught us roaming aroung the corridors in the middle of the night with the Marauder's Map. Luckily we hid it before he saw it. That was 3 days ago, tomorrow is detention.

"Our next victim should be Snape." Fred muttered. I nodded with a smirk.

"How about those fireworks you got from home?" I asked. "Put them in the cauldron during potions and when we ask Snape for help he'll look down and they go off? In his face?" I raised my eyebrow.

"You're a genius, Georgie! Maybe even put some paint in them, staining his face-"

"RED!" we burst out in unison. Lee, who sat with us in the library, looked a bit too concentrated on homework for our liking. I put my finger to my lips to show Fred to be quiet. I then held my hands high before yelling 'BOO!' and putting my hands on his shoulders. He jumped up and spilled ink on his paper in the process.

"George! Not cool! Now I'll have to write this all over again." he said concerned. He sighed loudly, packed his stuff and left.

"Lee! C'mon! I'm sorry!" I yelled after him. We both shook our heads and started to spinn on our revenge against Snape. Just as we were about to leave after an hour, we heard light snoring. We checked behind the shelves closest to us and saw the blonde girl who was sorted last. The Hufflepuff. She had fallen asleep on her homework.

"We can't just leave her here. It's starting to get late." I said to Fred.

"But what are we going to do with her? We can't take her with us to our dorm." he said. He's right. I thought about for a bit.

"Ehm, let's pack her stuff into her bag and carry her to her common room. It's in the basement, right?" I looked at Fred and he shrugged his shoulders. He packed her stuff, swung her bag over his shoulder and grabbed her ankles as I grabbed her wrists. And then made our way to the basement. When we walked by the kitchens, we heard mumbled talking behind one of the doors. I knocked on the door with my foot and a bit later, a lady opened it and looked at us with kind eyes. I think her name is professor Sprout. She's the herbology teacher anyway.

"Good evening." she said with an equally kind voice.

"Hello. We found her sleeping in the library." I said and nodded down towards the girl. The lady looked down.

"Oh dear heavens, I was just wondering when Eleanor was going to come back." she calmly said with a small smile. "Come in, you can lay her down on the sofa. I'll have someone carry her to her dorm."

We did as she said and then went to our own common room. Charlie sat in the sofa by the fire and looked half asleep. Just as we tried tiptoeing up the stairs, we heard Charlie groan.

"Hey guys? We need two beaters for the team, would you mind taking the positions?" he asked quite tiredly. Us twins just looked at each other.

"Yeah, why not?" Fred said and shrugged his shoulders slightly.

"Great, practice starts on Sunday." he replied with a thumbs up in the air. After that we sneaked up to our room and saw Lee already sleeping. We changed and went to bed as quickly and quietly we could. Tomorrow was detention. With Snape.

I couldn't for the sake of Merlin figure out how I ended up in my bed after I was in the library last night. I remember studying transfiguration and then everything went black. Someone must've put me under a spell, that's the only explanation. I looked in the mirror to see if anything on me had change, if a spell was the cause, but didn't see anything except for my bedhead. Relieved, I took my brush and carefully brushed out the knots in my hair. Today's Saturday and I've planned to study and maybe bake something, like a pumpkin or a apple pie. I put my brush down again, and pinned the hair away from my face with two red hair clips before petting my cat August who was sleeping in a ball on the end of my bed. He lifted his head, yawned and went back to sleep again.

"I'm coming back after breakfast with some food." I said to him before making my way to the Great Hall. There weren't many students up at this hour, mostly Ravenclaws. In the corner of my eye, I saw a girl sitting by herself at the end of the Slytherin table, so I went up to her. It was the girl that was sorted just before me.

"Hey, can I sit here? I wanted to give you some company." I said when she looked up at me. She nodded and I sat down straight across from her. A plate and cutlery turned up on the table out of thin air and I started grabbing some food.

"I'm Eleanor by the way."

"Isabella. But you can call me Isa if you want." she said and we shook hands over the tables. When taking my hand back, I accidentally elbowed my cup and my apple juice went all over my skirt. Isabella giggled just before both of us started laughing.

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