The Bestfriend

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Silence rings throughout the night as our protagonist Obadiah just watches the clock as time passes by. Tears, stream down his cheeks the pain of everything, the heartbreak, the depression, being alone he screams for help but nobody cares, his voice too little in a crowd of people. He burrows his head into his pillow as the tears do not stop, he lets it all out for a split moment and tries to get a grasp into the situation but then *ping* he receives a message from his best friend Akira.

Akira: Obadiah, I heard what happened bro. You good bro?

Obadiah: Yes, of course, I'm fine wbu?

Akira: I know your lying bro when you found out she cheated on dude you barely were breathing right.

Obadiah: Yeah but now I'm fine 

Akira: Cap bro, I'm gonna sneak out and I'm coming over now

Obadiah: STAY!! I'll be fine 

Akira: Too late, lol I'm already out my window

Obadiah: Fine, whatever just be careful

Akira: When am I not careful

The conversation ends thus making a smile on Obadiah's face start to bloom, a person to finally hear him and to vent his feelings is now coming over. 

*5 minutes then pass*

A silent voice from Obadiah's backyards saying, "Ayo dummy I'm here" Obadiah, like a kid who just got the news he's getting ice cream. He jumps to the back window and tells her that he's coming down. Obadiah then climbs down and they meet up and hug they then go to their favorite spot in the world, an old wisteria tree that was imported to their country cause of Obadiah's parents finding it exquisite. They begin to talk about what really happened between Obadiah and his ex Ava.

Akira: What really happened bro?

Obadiah: Well apparently she was cheating on me for the 6 months we were together and she did it with Dante, I only found out cause they posted a video of what really happened how she *tears begin to run down his face and he wells up with anger*  WHY THE FUCK WOULD SHE FUCK HIM? 

His voice breaking from the intense pain that he feels, as Akira then proceeds to give him a hug resting his head on her thick soft thighs. He continues to cry and as he continues to talk.

Obadiah: They did it Saturday, remember when I told you she was busy and couldn't come for your birthday, well she was fucking him

Akira: That bitch and on my birthday, I hope she gets pregnant 

Obadiah giggles at the thought and Akira then joins in.

Akira: Listen to me bro, that girl is trash and had a trashy attitude don't worry girls are what to say are stupid and blind when it comes to a good dude. She was just being greedy and wanted more from what you gave even though it was enough she wanted to be a greedy slut and get more, relationships are 50/50 but Obadiah you give 90 and I'm not saying it's bad but you should stop falling that hard and just have fun and be single I know you had a lot of feelings for her but it's fine to remember you got me, dummy. *wipes Obadiah tears*

Obadiah: You didn't have to touch my eyes, I don't know where your hand has been *laughs with a smile*

Akira: Oh shut up dummy *flicks his head* it was in my ass how does it smell?

Obadiah: Ewwww don't touch me 

They continue to talk until 2 am under the wisteria tree. Akira then plays with his curly hair and they laugh about the past and what they used to do. Akira then puts Obadiah up and they both get up and give each other one last hug then they both return home. Obadiah in his bed snuggled up then the texts Akira saying, "Thx jackass for a great time, it meant a lot".

The sun blooms, a new day it appears as everything has gone down a bit. Obadiah is awoken by the constant pinging from his phone from his Ex Ava. He scoffs and goes into the messages just to leave her on seen and block her, he tries to not care yet the memories try to flood back thus making him shed a morning tear. He is reminded of everything good memory they went through, the good times where he showed his vulnerable side and his soft spots. All his secrets naked in front of her meanwhile she sold him a false love, a heart filled with knives.

Obadiah: Today's gonna be hell *sigh*

He starts to get ready for another day of hell. He goes downstairs to an empty house, his family left without him another day of the same situation as he's preparing for school and made lunch for himself he is interrupted by a knock on the door who can that be.


Obadiah: Coming jackass *giggles as he walks to open up the door*

Akira: Who you think you talking to?

Obadiah: You and what you gonna do then shorty

Akira: Okay your just lucky you're taller than me, anyway what you doing?

Obadiah: Just getting everything set up we have to go to school remember

Akira: *facepalms* We don't have school today didn't you read the announcement 

Obadiah: Oh wait for real * checks his phone* Oh damn I didn't know my bad

Akira: It's fine don't worry, so what are we gonna do huh?

Obadiah: I'm going back to bed what the hell you think *take a sip of orange juice*

Akira: *Comes close towards him and whispers in Obadiah's ears* Want me to join you?

Obadiah: *Chokes and proceeds to cough* Oh damn what the hell Akira!

Akira: I'm playing or am I?

Obadiah: Okay that's the end of that I'm going on my couch 

Akira: I'll join of course

Obadiah prepares his food and lays down on the couch eating his food but then Akira joins him and but his head on her lap. They begin to watch the anime Jujutsu Kaisen for 2 hours but then Akira starts to playfully play with Obadiah's hair but then something is clawing its way to come out, she wants to tell him something.

Akira: Obadiah, ummm... we are good friends right?

Obadiah: Of course dummy, since I moved here from Guyana

Akira: Obadiah *begins to stammer*  um I got to fart


Akira: Then get up bitch!!

Obadiah then gets up and Akira runs to the washroom to "fart" 

Akira: Why couldn't I tell him oh my gosh, I have a stupid big crush on him *looks at her reflection in the mirror* why can't I just tell him *sigh*. Okay time to get up and tell him.

Akira exist the washroom with confidence to tell Obadiah about how she felt

Obadiah: *Looks at Akira* How was the fart, guessing it was silent  *proceeds to laugh*

Akira: Obadiah

Obadiah: Yes dummy

Akira: *Screams* I like you a lot and more than just friends

The door then opens as Obadiah's family enters the house to hear Akira's confession

Obadiah's Mom: Well this is weird

What will happen next will Obadiah's accept the confession or will he reject her and will Obadiah's family have a different spin on Akira's confession.

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