Finally Together

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Pernille had come over to London to meet everyone at Chelsea and do the photo shoot after signing from Wolfsburg. She met her family at the training grounds as she came straight from Spain after competing in the Champions League. She completed all the paperwork and the photo shoot with her family which ended up taking much longer than she thought. She was starting to get tired and she just wanted to see Magda. Even though Her girlfriend was captain she didn't know that Pernille was there today as it was all kept really quiet. Pernille's mum could see that her daughter just wanted to be with her girlfriend as they hadn't seen each other for a couple months as training started up again. Being apart was made harder due to Covid as they couldn't just go on a weekend trip to see the other if they had a free weekend.

It was about 4pm and the team were just about to have a team meeting until 5pm before heading home. Magda was asked to go to Emma's office before the meeting. She guessed that there was a new player and the team were being told in the meeting. She hadn't heard anything about Pernille being the new player and guessed that Wolfsburg and Chelsea couldn't get to an agreement. Magda went into the office and Pernille was sitting there with Emma and she was so confused. She thought that she was dreaming as she was really tired after a hard training but Pernille was really there in front of her with a Chelsea top on. A few tears rolled down her cheeks and she just gave Pernille a big hug. Normally they get to see each other every month to month and a half but they hadn't seen each other in over 5 months due to Covid restrictions and then training starting. This was the longest that they had been apart. They had to then clean themselves up as they had to go to the meeting. Magda went into the meeting room first and Emma arrived a few minutes later and introduced Pernille to the team.

After the meeting was finished, Magda picked up her stuff from the changing rooms and walked to her car with Pernille. They got back to Magda's and as soon as they got through the door they dropped everything they were carrying and gave each other a big kiss. Magda had her hands around Pernille's waist as she felt her girlfriends arms around her neck. They were so happy to see each other and to finally be on the same team after 3 and a half years being apart.

Pernille Harder + Magdalena Erikson Where stories live. Discover now