Running from a curse

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It was middle of a night. I was trying to sleep, but i couldn't fall asleep.

I was rolling and rolling and rolling around the bed. I looked at the clock, it was 0:54am.

Screeeeeeeech What was that noise?

Screeeeeeeech It was coming from the phone. I looked at the phone and stared at it.

Screeeeeeeech Again, the noise was there again. What should i do..?

Screeeeeeeech I took my phone slowly and stared at screen.

Screeeeeeeech It was now loulder. I opened the screen and saw a pale boy with eyebags..?

I threw the phone out of the window. That scared the crap out of me.

"Should i go check or in the morning..? Nah i'll check in the morning." I thought.


"I wanna go che- No. I can't! What if they have got out of the phone?" I questioned.

"Yeah, like that will happen any time soon. I am just gonna sleep." I said to myself.

"What if- No. I'm not going to take a little look, what happend to the phone..." I said to myself in my mind.

"B-but I just wanna at least take a look!" I pled to myself.

"Author you know what's going to happen or not happen." I said to myself.

"Either way there is no way I'm going go check."


"Maybe a little check..?"

"Fuck it, if I'm not going to go check, I will not get any sleep."

"But should i even go..?" I questioned.

"I mean what if something happend and I am literally home alone." I continued.

"Those only happen in horror movies." I snorted.

"Ehehehe..." I chuckled to myself.

"Welp, if I'm gonna die, then I die." I said to my self.

I got out of bed and walked to the bedroom door and opened it. I then closed behind me and walked down stairs. I walked to the front door and stoped.

"Should i even go check, what if there is actually something there..?" I questioned the last time.

"I mean no one going stop me."

I got outside and walked to the backyard, when i got there. There was a pale boy with nails on his mouth and eyebags..?

I started back away, but he noticed me. I froze and looked at them.

He started to walk over here. I didn't move at all. He got so close to me and I stood there.

He put his hand on my waist and took my chin, I could feel his breath on my lips and I didn't do anything. He looked in to my eyes.

- My my my, aren't you a beauty? He smirked.

- ... I said nothing.

- So, you aren't a talker... or are memorized by my beauty..? He said smirking.

- ... Nothing came out of my mouth.

- Kekekekeke. He cackled.

- How adorable~ He caressed my cheek with he's thump.

- You wouldn't mind me kissing you..? He questioned.

He was about to kiss me, but i stopped him and took his hand away from my waist and ran back to the house and locked the door.

I took a knife from the kitchen and from the living room I took a phone. I ran quietly as possible up stairs and to the bed room door in the closet. I hid behind a matress and boxes.

I hear someone destroying the front door. I noticed the window from the closet, I pulled the boxes and the matress slowey and quietly as possible to keep me hidden from him.

I was hidden in a small place, I couldn't move that much, because i would make noise. I hid there quietly, I hear him breaking the door and walking up stairs.

- Author-chan, where are youuuuu...kekekeke.... He said cheekly.

He walked to the bedroom door, knocking on it.

- Author-chan, I don't want to do this hard way. So, please come out...He said "sadly".

I still hid in the same place. He opened door gently. He walked to closet and opened it. He walked inside of the closet and walked closer to the spot where I was hiding.

- Author-chan, where are you? He walked out of there or at least it seemed like it.

"Should i go check or not...?" I thought and took a peak and he just started at me smiling.

- Found you~ He took me by my wrists and pulled me up.

-You are not going anywhere now~ He licked his lips while looking at my lips.

How can he lick his lips while having nails on his mouth? I try to kick him, but I couldn't move at all. I just looked at him with my eyes staring on his eyes.

-Are you wondering that why you can't move at all? He asked while he had that devilish grin on his face.


- I used dark magic on you. He said creepily smiling.

- We have to go now, so i can make you mine F O R E V E R. He said while dragging me with him.

- ...MMHMM... I just widen my eyes and looked at him.

- What? Did you think, I was gonna kill you or something else? He said smirking while looking at me.

He dragged me with him to the deep of the woods.

"Where are we going?" I thought about it...

- Where are we going? You don't need know just yet...

- ...mhmm... Did he just read my mind..? I tought.

- Yes, I indeed did read your mind. He answered while was smirking at me.

We got to some bulding, some where in the woodsen. We got inside of the building, he dragged me in to a roomand pushed me to the floor. He looked at me.

- You are never getting out of here and you know that.

-Don't you? He asked?

- ... I said nothing

- And speak. He comanded.

- Y-yes...

- Good, even if you try to get out here.

- I will get you back here and there will be a punishment.

- You got that? He said, almost yelling at me.

- Y-yes.

- Call me Souichi.

- Yes, Souichi.

- Good. He got out of the room and left some where. I just layed there.

"I will never get out of here, unless..."

- Don't even think about it. The voice echoed around the room.


-Of course he heard it. I toughted out loud. I can't even be in my own mind anymore, great...


(I want to actually make continue this someday, idk when)

(If you enjoy this, there is one other story coming up.)


(Have a good day/night!)

Running from a curseWhere stories live. Discover now