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Im not one to tell storys , of Amazing heros or great villians, of vampires, or fairys. Im not one to tell great tales of foes against foes , or to leave great details out of an amazing storys. i only tell the truth. The truth of what i saw last year on this very night. the night of all hallow's eve.

  The night was young it was a week before halloween. Trisha and i were getting ready for the party to end all partys. She was going as a sexy witch and i , a vampire of course. people were knocking on out door every five minutes asking for candie making it very hard to get fully ready. i gave the last of our candy out when he came to the door. It was halloween at Saint Thomas Universaty , and all the students were either at very exlusive partys out trick or treating from dorm to dorm . This young Dracula stood about 2 feet taller than me and smiled his sexy smile. " Trick or treat" he said in a very fake transilvanian accent 

   " Hey Drew " i smiled kissing him, drew was my boy friend of 6 years we met in grade 8 and were inseperable since. He pulled me in to him " nice outfit Dracula".

  " Well i had to match my sexy Countess , "  his smirk warmed my insides " now didnt i ".

  " hey you two love birds " Trisha stood in the door way from the bathroom, we had the best suite on campass. It was said to be as old as the school. " break it up , its time to PART---YYYYYYY !!!"  i giggled at her enthusiasm burying my head in Drews chest.

   i felt Drew shift , grabbing my purse and taking my hand , he lead me out the door.

The party was pumpin', music blared from every inch of the house. I could hear playful shreaks echoe off the walls. Fake spiders hug from the ceiling with webs all asround them, i pushed passed the gouls and monsters finding my way to the bar. With Drew in hand we found the bar a zombie was doing a hand stand on a keg, everyone around him was chanting chug chug chug. i laughed and shook my head my long black hair flowing from side to side. we got the the center and finally found drinks .

  i grabbed a pacarti breezer orange creamsicle of course, and he grabbed a beer. we stood in the center of all the commotion his hand on my hip. everyone around us either looked scary , drunk , slutty, or all of the abovei clung to Drew trying not to get sucked into the crowd. " wanna dance?" i asked loudly so he'd hear me. He glanced at me nodded  and then lead me into the living room where all the sexiest gouls and ghosts were grinding up against one and other. I took Drew in with my free hand , Shaking my hips in every direction he held me close with his free hand sending shivers up and down my body.

  Thriller came on and everyone was trying to do  the dance, i soon realized i lost Trisha i looked around trying to spot a very slutty witch pressed upagainst some goulish figure, but i couldnt find her. the party raged on and still i couldnt find Trisha.

  It was about 12 am when the party was crashed by a few bored cops. They I.D. everyone with a red solo cup in their hands and let all the legal drinkers go, i was 19 so i passed. I looked for Trisha in the mass crowd she was no wheres to be seen. We spent the next half hour trying find her but Drew assumed she went home early  so we gave up our search and retreated to my dorm

 the next morning was a head ach , full of hugging the toilet and worrying about where Trisha was , she was no where in sight but Drew assured me that she was fine just probibly stumbled home with some drunk guy trying to get laid, she'd come home tonight. i relaxed a bit but not too much.

  " so lunch?" Drew asked me as i was cleaning the bathroom. i nodded

  " nothing greasy " i gagged in the direction of the toilet i heard him laugh playfully and shut the door to my dorm, with in 15 minutes he was back with a case from peta pit.

 " one strawberry banana smoothy my love , and a lovely yummy wrap full of chicken lettus tomato, and green pepper , topped with light mayo  and shredded marble cheese." he handed me a a wrapped peta and a cup full of pink liquid i thanked him and sat on the couch patting the seat next to me , inviting him to join me. " how yeah feeling Jessie" he tucked a peice of hair behind my earand looked at me with loving eyes . I shrugged , i was still a little nausious but i wasnt about to tell him that.

  " good " could be better, the dorr nob clicked thats when Trisha STumbled in the room in her Bloody Night slip. Drew caught her before she Collapsed

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