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I was doing my work enjoying the peace and quiet my workplace was making for the first time in what seemed like awhile since the weekend ended I had to go back to work

As much as moon-jo begged me to stay with him I simply couldn't and I had to go to work since I had been missing too many work day's I sighed stretching I had been working all day and I haven't caught a break yet

I leaned against my chair I still need to visit ji-eun it's been awhile since we last talked probably because we're so busy we barely have time for us well... I have time for her but she always seems to be busy

Work was almost finished anyways so I didn't have to worry about leaving early lately though the workers have been quiet not that I mind but it's weird

"Okay everyone time to go home" a tired Jae-ho said the rest of the workers tiredly stood up to leave as well I wasn't as tired as them but I could use some rest

Lately the company has been growing so because of the lack of worker's we've been staying extra late to finish work jae-ho says he's going to go job hunting so I can't wait for that

I left the building going straight to ji-euns building I happily knocked on her door excited to see her after not being able to I waited for awhile not hearing anything

I remember her telling me through the phone that her roomate was going to visit her parents so ji-eun would be the only one home maybe she went out with some friends

But just to make sure I knocked again I bit my lip turning the door knob I know I wasn't supposed to but what if she was in trouble I gasped surprised to see it was unlock my concern for her went higher

I opened the door smelling something horrible I covered my nose with my shirt "oh god what's that smell" I mumbled into my shirt I made my way into ji-euns room seeing it completely fine

I looked around trying to see if anything was out of place I looked on her bed to see her phone I picked it up seeing my message I furrowed my brows why didn't she answer? Maybe she just forgot her phone

Yeah but for two day's that seems a bit suspicious I debated with myself deciding I'd come back tomorrow to make sure if everything was okay and if she still hasn't than I was definitely going to report this to the police

I turned around ready to leave when I saw something on the ground I picked it up immediately putting it back down "ugh gross why would she have a tooth laying around" I made my way out of the apartment and onto mine

When I entered I was immediately brought into a hug I was going to push them away but relaxed when I knew who it was "I missed you so much honey" moon-jo said shoving his face in the crook on my neck

I chuckled patting his back "it was only-" I was cut off when moon-jo quickly broke the hug I was confused "wha-" moon-jo started sniffing me I blushed pushing him away "Jesus what are you doing?" He stared at me frowning "that smell...it smells like murder"

I gasped looking at him surprised "wha- I didn't kill anyone I swear" I have no idea why I tried to defend myself when he could've been joking but that set something off in me "no I know, did you visit anywhere?" I pursed my lips how the hell does he know what murder smells like?

"Um I went to work and then ... Ji-euns place you know her place did smell a bit ...weird oh my gosh d-do you think ...something could've happened?" I said panicking I turned around going to go to the police my concern now fully awaken when moon-jo quickly brought me back into a hug

"Shhh no sweetie I'm sure nothing is wrong" he said soothingly running his fingers in my hair as his gentle breath tickled my neck I slightly calmed down still tense and worried "how about you go take a shower, okay? I'll make sure to ...Investigate" I nodded my head not exactly wanting to leave his comfortable embrace

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