3rd year graduation part 1

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Okay hey guys so this week is gonna be the last episode of haikyuu so I'm very sad about it. But with this scenario I thought I'd make some of y'all sad and do you dating one of the third years and you being a second year and they graduate today. I'm gonna do some people in this and I'll make a part two but comment some more third years if you want them done and I didn't do them in this part ❤️ Btw i kinda refuse to talk about (y/n)'s parents because I don't people's situation and as someone that only has one parent I kinda feel bad when they talk about having this like perfect parent life in fanfics so yea 🥰

Sugawara (at his apartment rn)
Today was a big day for both of you and your boyfriend koushi. He is gonna be graduating in the next four hours and you could be more happy for him. You weren't super sad about it because he's going to a college near by and he bought a apartment by your house. You would still be able see him so it make you feel lucky to be in this situation. As you rolled over to your other side to be met with sugas chest as he just lets out a light groan.
"Sugar it's 5:30 am why are you awake already?" He said with a pout as he just started to rest his head into your shoulder.
"Just excited for today, this is a really big deal for you and I'm so happy I get to be with you for it."
All he did was smile at your statement and kiss your face all over.
"We have a good amount of time, want to shower then eat breakfast?" He asked with a slight smirk. You just nodded against his chest and he walked out of bed and picked you up and brought you into the shower. You both showered together and then walked into the bedroom to get dressed with your robes on. As he picked out a nice button up with some dress pants and looks all nice you couldn't help but get distracted by his beauty.
"(Y/N) are you gonna get dressed?" He just looked at you with a eyebrow raised.
"Uh yea sorry."
You get dressed into one of the following outfits

"You get dressed into one of the following outfits

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(Or not if you don't like them it's okay just you can't look like a complete hobo)You walked downstairs to see Suga already making breakfast and decided to go and help him cook

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(Or not if you don't like them it's okay just you can't look like a complete hobo)
You walked downstairs to see Suga already making breakfast and decided to go and help him cook. It was now about 7 while you guys ate (breakfast of your choice). You guys are post to meet up with his parents at 7:45 for photos because he had to be there by 9. As you guys cleaned up and worked together for the dishes then put on your shoes and got into the car. As he drove you guys talked about simple things like what he wants to do in the future for a job and what he thinks college will be like. As he pulled up into his parents driveway he kissed you gently smiled.
You guys walked into his parents house as they talked about how good you both look. As they started taking photos of the both of you, then some of just him and they even wanted some of just you. This made you happy that you fit in so well with his folks.
As you all hop into his mothers car and go to the lschool it was a fun ride going over the last few years of your relationship and how they are proud of their son graduating and their future daughter in law becoming a third year. This made you both blush like crazy but Suga squeezed your hand in a way to practically say "I am proud of you too".
As you guys pull into the school parking lot Suga has to go to go sit with his class as you and his parents sit down together in the auditorium while waiting for him to be called up. After many names being called you see your other third year friends and couldn't help but cheer for them.
Finally your amazing boyfriend got called up and walked across the stage his parents and the team cheered for him, but you cheered the loudest for him.
"GOOD JOB KOUSHI, IM SO PROUD!!" You let out as if the whole place was filled with screaming children. When he heard that he looked at you and smiled. For a second you thought you could see tears in his eyes but he wiped them away quickly.
After the ceremony you met up with him and the rest of the volleyball team in the gym and you all sat down and talked about all the memories of this year. You all started letting out some happy and some sad tears, even the tsunderes let out some quiet tears. The third years had to go as they weren't students there anymore and the second and first years had to go back to class. You gave Suga a quick kiss before changing and going into your classroom.
You had your first meeting without the third years today and it hurt, you just wanted to go back to sugas apartment seeing how you were allowed to stay there for a while. As you were walking with the others and you got to couch ukais store you saw Suga in the car waiting for you.
You ran up to the car and went in and hugged him right away
"I missed you a lot koushi" you whinnied as you squeezed you tight.
"I know princess but now you gotta get used to me not being at school anymore, you'll be okay" he said with a bitter sweet smile and kissed your forehead. That's when you realized he's right and all you could do is hug him tighter and just remember he will still be there with you no matter what.

Bokuto (at his house)
Today was the day that you and akaashi would be left at the school without your emotional boyfriend. He woke you up so excited for today that he couldn't help but kiss you all over to wake you up.
"LoOoOoOvVVVeEeE, wakkkkkeeee uppppppp" as you woke up you saw him and just smiled and kissed him back till you guys ended up making out for a few minutes.
You pushed him away and he pouted but you just pulled him up and pointed to the clothes picked out for his final day at Fukurōdani. He dragged his feet over and got dressed. You also looked at your clothes and got dressed yourself.

 You also looked at your clothes and got dressed yourself

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(You can wear something else just you can't look like a complete hobo)As you were finishing getting dressed bokuto wrapped his arms around your waist and started kissing your neck gently

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(You can wear something else just you can't look like a complete hobo)
As you were finishing getting dressed bokuto wrapped his arms around your waist and started kissing your neck gently.
You just kisses his cheek then walked downstairs with him right behind you craving for your attention as you explained you both need to eat so you are not late to the ceremony.
You were greeted by his mother as he sat down at the table and you helped her cook. This made you remember all the memories you have of him and how soon it would be harder to make more with him wanting to go pro with volleyball. But you couldn't be prouder of him so you just smiled through out the pain.
As you all sat down to eat bokuto's mother asked questions about him going pro with volleyball and how it would work. He explained how he had gotten offers from Japan all over but his most prominent one was across the country. Your heart sank a little but you already knew this information.
You three headed in the car and when you parked bokuto said good bye so he could get some last moments with the team as their captain before he handed it off to one of the lucky second years.
You and bokutos mom walked into the designated area and sat down. She looked at you and helped your hand.
"It hurts right now I know, trust me with koi's dad across seas working it hurts but, we gotta be strong for them and show we are proud. And either way I'll always be here when you need me, just call or come over and I'm here for you." See said looking so strong as you looked like you were about to cry. You hugged her tight and smiled knowing that he will still talk and visit you all the time.
Akaashi walked up and greeted you both and sat next to you. You looked over to him and can tell he's been crying.
"Scared to be the next captain?" You said with a simple smile. All he did was nod and you gave him a side hug to show him you'll be there to help.
They started calling names and when bokuto walked up on stage you couldn't help but smile and clap as loud as you could.
The ceremony was almost over till they asked the volleyball team to come up. You walked up with akaashi. The first and second years fave the third years and smiled as some started crying, including you shedding a few tears.
You and the others bowed towards the third years and said "Thank you for helping us and being our senpais!" Leaving the third years shocked and even more emotional.
They played some memories of the volleyball ball team as you help bokuto hand as you both quietly cried. When the video is over you both got up and said goodbye to his mother and met up with the team.
You all joked around and discussed what it would be like with a new captain. You all said goodbye and told them you'll see them tomorrow and walked out with bokuto. As you walked to his house you noticed he was quiet for once.
"Baby what's wrong?" You asked trying to figure out if you did something.
"It's nothing I'm just realizing now that I'm not apart of the team anymore." He said with a pout as you entered the house hold and took off both of your shoes. You walked to his bedroom and you saw him sulk on the bed.
You threw him a t-shirt and he got changed into it and just left his boxers on while you changed into his hoodie and shorts. You cuddled into him after telling him how he will always be apart of the team and whispering him sweet nothings.
He soon fell asleep and you giggled at his cute little snores. You were excited for next year and you get to graduate and be with him all the time. Lightly kissing his shoulder you went to sleep also.

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