Part 1

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Izuku Midoryia or Deku was a normal boy with two parents that always wanted him to become a hero, not for the better of people no for the fame, they wanted to make Deku the perfect hero that would surpass all the rest, so he could make money and give them an easy life, but when they knew Deku's quirk was actually very destructive and villainous they began to hate and belittle him though they ultimately threw him out like trash, leaving Deku to wonder through the streets looking for food and shelter. Only some people would give him food and shelter every so often, most people who had seen him had said that the Police or the Hero's would help him though that didn't happen for almost 2 months. Izuku was on the verge of starvation he had been moving almost every week, the only food that he would get was either from some very kind people or from the garbage he's water was always from lakes at parks or puddles on the road, he had to survive whether he liked it or not. He had to keep clinging on to life even if it didn't want him to, but now he couldn't anymore he couldn't find any food or water and was very tired, he barely had any energy left and if he did he would have at least used his quirk for the last time. Even though everyone he knew despised his quirk and called villainous he actually liked it and trained it a little, though he could see why people would call it villainous because if he wasn't careful with it it could easily kill someone or topple a building.

Now Deku's was just waiting for his life to end, he could do nothing else so there was no point in trying to keep living, it was clear now that no one was going to save him no hero's, no police, no civilian, nothing. So Deku closed his eyes waiting for his demise, though that didn't come as a very loud explosion was heard coming from the building that was above him. Looking up Deku saw the building collapsing with some hero's trying to get everyone to safety, one of those hero's was All Might he was trying to get everyone out of the building though missed a couple of kids that he or anyone couldn't get to because of the falling building since if they tried then they would have definitely died.

Without any hesitation Deku who got a boost of adrenaline and ran in front of the kids and took off his gloves and put his hands on the falling building. The Hero's that were there all had shocked and worried faces as there would be another young boy dying from them being incompetent hero's, though their faces changed as they saw what happened to the building right after Deku had touched the building. One second the building was falling and the next it had disappeared into dust leaving tiny cracks in the area. Once the building had disappeared into dust Deku had instantly fallen unconscious. Seeing this the Hero's ran to Deku who looked very frail and barely alive, they quickly called an ambulance and took him to the nearest hospital. While all the people who had seen everything started cheering for both Deku and the hero's.

Back with Deku who had been asleep for the past 12 hours straight. On the right side of the bed that he had been sleeping on was a short old lady who wore a nurses outfit and in the room there was a detective who had a quirk to know if someone was telling the truth or not, he was sitting in the corner of the room beside him was one of the hero's that had been there to see Deku use his quirk and save people he was Eraser Head.

2 minutes later Deku woke up and looked around confused "Where am I?" He asked looking at the smiling face of Recovery Girl "We're at a hospital." She answered than asked him "Can you please answer our questions young man?" Getting a nod of agreement the detective stood up and walked towards Deku "Hello my name is Tsukauchi Naomasa, im a detective can you please answer my questions truthfully?" Tsukauchi asked which got a response of tired nod "Whats your name?" "Izuku." Deku answered truthfully not giving him his former last name "Where's your family Izuku?" He questioned making Deku look away with anger and hatred "They threw me away." Deku answered shocking the people in the room "Why would they do such a thing!!" Recovery Girl said with her own anger building up "Because of my quirk." Deku answered making them look at him confused "Apparently my quirk is a mutation, the doctor said that its not like either of my parents but my own. Its called Decay, whatever I touch with my 5 fingers will disappear into dust." Deku elaborated and held onto a pen that was on Recovery Girls shirt with all of his fingers and a second later the pen had disappeared into dust surprising everyone.

"You said whatever you touched would turn into dust, does that also happen if you touch someone?" Eraser Head spoke for the first time "I don't know for sure but the quirk doctor that I went to said that I could do that if I wasn't careful. That why I wear those gloves all the time." Deku said and went to put on the worn out gloves but was stopped by Eraser Head "Here we made these specially for you and your quirk." He said handing him gloves that only covered one half of his hand and left the other side open for fresh air. The gloves were also skin tight and very stretchy making it feel like their wasn't even a glove over his hand "Cool." Deku said and quickly put them on "It doesn't even feel like im waring them." Deku whispered to himself with a little smile that he hadn't made in months.

Seeing him a little better Eraser Head pulled out his phone and left the room so he could have a call with someone important. 10 minutes later Eraser Head walked back in with what looked like a giant rat on his shoulder. The rat wore a suit and tie and had scar that went through his right eye. The rat greeted everyone in the room before turning to Deku who looked at him weirdly "Hello my name is Nezu and im the principal of Japans most famous hero school, UA." Nezu said with a smile "A talking rat. You sure im not dead?" Deku mumbled to himself making everyone in the room sweat drop "I assure you Izuku that you are not dead and yes I can talk even if im an animal." Nezu answered "Not to be rude or anything but what do any of you guys want?" Deku questioned which was answered by Nezu "Well the reason we are here is to give you protection and a better life in the safety of UA." This made Deku go wide eyed "A home. We can also train you to become the best hero you can be." Eraser Head added and put his hand on Deku's head for comfort, this made Deku look down with a big smile and tears flowing down his cheeks. Getting a nod from Deku they told Deku to get more sleep while they would prepare him a place near the school.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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