Chapter 1

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"Come on Hades, Sev said its urgent! "

"I'm coming Lily" I replied speeding up so I was running alonside my twin.
As we approached our secret meeting spot I saw him, I sped past my twin first aid kit in hand and helped Sev sit up as lily made sure no one was coming.

"Sev what happened?" I asked examining the deep lashes criss-crossing over his back. He looked at me and Lily, his onyx eyes locking onto our matching emeralds.

"Promise you won't hate me. "  Me and Lils didn't even have to think we both nodded and without a second thought agreed.

"OK. " As Severus started explaining I cleaned and patched up his back, though I could do nothing about his wrist, other than splint it as it was clearly broken or at least fractured.

"So I was talking to my mum about y- a boy that I think I like and HE overheard, and he did this while screaming at me for being a dirty gay."

"I hate him for what he does to you and anyway there's nothing wrong with being gay. Love is love. "  I impassioned whilst Lily nodded along in agreement.Severus smiled at us both as he changed the subject. "Aren't you both turning eleven tomorrow you'll be getting your Hogwarts letters so that's something that we can look forward to, going to Hogwarts together." Me and Lily beamed. "Yeah that's right we'll all go together. Hogwarts won't know what hit them. "  We replied in unison.

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