Chapter 17: Just like before

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Everyone stood outside, umbrella's open and protecting the beings beneath. Two humans, a Kitsune and a very serious looking Ghost man. The rain poured down onto their shields, and across from an invisible barrier protecting them, was a Bonsai spirit, Who went by the name of Shiromori.

Arthur stood close to Lewis, both under individual umbrellas. Both looking weary of their visitor. Vivi stood holding her umbrella over both her and Mystery, who was standing half covered, half exposed to the rain. He and Shiromori were locked in a staring match.

"Hey." Shiromori's deep female voice rung through over the rain, unnaturally clear and loud.

"Shiromori." Mystery mused. "Why are you here? What business do you have with me?"

"You think I'm here for you? Really?" Shiromori smirked to herself, looking Mystery up and down.

"Why else would you be here?" Mystery raised an unamused brow, tails flailing some behind him before settling against the mud and grass.

"Good question." She hummed. "I am here for you. But I got a taste before we parted sadly. But I guess I can keep this... somewhat short." Shiromori angrily looked to Vivi, staring daggers.

"Speak. Humans can't stand cold long before getting sick." Mystery hissed.

"You know what? I won't keep this short. I'm coming in." Shiromori growled softly, staring at the dirt.

"Why? You're gonna get yourself burned!" Mystery growled in warning, making the three standing with him back up some.

"Because I..." Shiromori paused before shaking her head, blushing weakly. "Because I want to. And I want to be inside someplace warm instead of out in the cold. The air around here is also suffocatingly grim." She complained.

"You need to make me a promise then. Right now!" Mystery barked, tails fanning out behind him, making Mystery look ten times larger. "Promise me, that you won't lay a single hand, twig or leaf on my friends. Promise me and I'll allow you enter here. If you fail, and refuse to leave...I'll have you frozen and shattered." Mystery spoke the last bit with a large amount if pain.

Shiromori flinched at the last sentence too, and stared Vivi down with an anger and jealousy that was unreadable. She sucked in air before letting it out.

"I promise."

Shiromori got herself prepared before moving forwards. Her body passing the foot long barrier cast upon the ground. Her limbs immediately caught fire and singed her, the rain putting it out only for it to repeatedly ignite once again. Shiromori let out loud animalistic growls before forming branches to launch herself through the invisible force trying to push her out.

Arthur stumbled back with a yelp, his metal hand dragging Vivi behind him protectively as Lewis backed them up, growling as she stumbled in, panting with tears in her eyes, shivering as flames burned across her body, swallowing her whole. Injuries forming out of thin air, body suffering.

Mystery immediately went to her aid, pressing his snout to her forehead as tails moved to pat out the remaining fire, something unspoken but heavy passing through their shared stares. His magic seeping into her enough to begin to heal the worst internal wounds. She looked to him with a look loaded with questions and emotions, intense emotions.

"Let's get you out of the rain." Mystery spoke softly.


"Sorry for attacking you guys I guess." Mori purred softly, relaxing on the couch. "Grudges fuck people up." She grinned crookedly.

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