Luhan,Help me!!!

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Your POV

I woke up after that dream again but this time it's so different. I heard Luhan's voice. Where is he? Why is he caliing my name? Will he save me? Luhan!!! I opened my eyes and the diming light in the room welcomed me, but this isn't my room. My room isn't this big and it doesn't have much funiture, big king size bed. Where am i? I turned my head to where Luhan is sitting. He looks so worried. What happened?

" you are awake?" a man's voice? It sounds so familiar. I turned around and see who owned that voice. The man is Kim Myungsoo? And he looks stunning. But how did i end up here with him? And Luhan is still looking at me with those worried eyes. 

" are young hungry? Let's go out and eat with me". He just smiled sweetly to me and nothig else? No explaination for these situation? Luhan came closer to me and whispered something into my ear. Oh shit, it's impossible. 

" baby, just get up and go eat some dinner" what did he just say? Baby? Since when did i become his baby? The kingka's baby is a big ugly nerdy? And Myungsoo isn't like this. I knew him. He is a soft guy with this beautiful smile. Meanwhile this guy. He is cold and just i don't know, unfriendly? 

" thank you but i think i need to go home" i tried hard to push back the fear inside me and talked to him. And just right when i told him that i want to go home, he turned around and looked deeply into my eyes. His eyes are burning into my soul. Then he came to me, held my shoulders tightly till they hurt and started yelling at my face

" you what? Go home? Are you crazy baby? You need to stay here." 

" but why? Myungsoo, let me go. I need to go home or else my parents will get mad" 

" parents? What parents? Your dead ones? They died babe. How can you lie to me like that?" did he know about it? My parents are dead, it's just my story, my secret. How did he know about that? 

" Miyeon, listen to him. Act like that then i will help you out" Luhan whispered secretly into my ears and he held my hand to make sure that he is there. I almost forget about him because of fear. Holding hand with Luhan when i am scared, this is the first. Well, another kingka in my school is holding my hand. It's so weird cause his hand is so warm. It's unlike mom, dad or oppa. They are just so cold while he is so warm, just like the time i slept next to him. Warm. Just that, i suddenly blushed hard. Well, the sence when i was with Luhan is on my mind again. Damn him and his warm hand. 

" baby, blushing is so cute" the boy in front of me touched my cheek. Yep, he is definitely not Myungsoo. He is just a heartless man now. He kept caressing my cheek and it makes my hair stand up. It's scary just like the way he acts right now.

" listen to me baby. It will be goo for you and your little friend, Xi Luhan" both of our eyes almost popped out of their socks. He can see Luhan too? How can he? And right after that, i saw him push Luhan hard till he fell into this unknown space. He's gone after that push and the man is smirking right next to me. Where is Luhan? He can't leave me here. Where did this man take him to? What was that space beside me? 

" come with me then i will let you know where he is or maybe more than that"



A/N: short update. Hope you like it :)

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