Enter Chastity Bloodwyn, Samantha Jeffsen,and Seth Matthews.

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Chastity was working. My boss was singing. Another normal day in Visarya. Chastity laughed at her blond boss who almost tripped over his work bench. "Watch out Matthews." She teased grabbing a proton acceleration machine. "Or I'll stun ya." She heard the door open and ran out to see who was all there.

"Welcome to Brasston Engineers, how may I help you?" Chastity asked not looking up from her holograph-pad. It had the new designs for a small hand gun that could hide easily in your pockets.
"Oh nothing I just wanted to see my friend, maybe get some new gear." Samantha said cockily, Chastity squealed and hugged her. "My gods, I haven't seen you in forever." She said. Sam, or Samantha smiled at her. "Well, I went across the sea. It was amazing. Maybe I'll steal you away for a trip one day." Sam said.

"Whos here Bloodwyn?" And that's how Samantha, and Seth met.

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