Chapter 21

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Cameras flashed everywhere as soon as one person noticed the pair had arrived.

"It's them! Don't let them leave! Somebody block their way!" As someone shouted this, a horde of people came their way crowding around them.

"What's the relationship between you two?!" Xie Lian felt an odd sense of nostalgia.

"Are two married?! If not, when is the wedding?!" Hua Cheng was a little annoyed and grabbed the man's hand beside him.

He pushed through the crowd without a care in the world. People still yelled in their ears but they ignored them and made their way to the door and opened it.

It was unlocked because He Xuan had a bad habit of not locking it during the day. As they got in, Xie Lian sat on the couch and sighed to himself.

"They'll be here all day. The press can be persistent."

Hua Cheng thought back to the days he would see his beloved be crowded by useless mongrels and sneered.

The scene outside was very similar to that. So he mumbled all types of curses under his breath. Xie Lian couldn't hear him but he suddenly remembered why they had come there in the first place.

"I'll go look for you some clothes."

He got up and walked to the room in the back. As he walked in, he looked at the posters of him and smiled. He kind of missed the younger boy.

Even though he was with someone who shared the same face and temperament. It also hadn't been that long since the two of them separated but he felt like it'd been months.

He wanted to hug him.

He grabbed a random t-shirt and a pair of black jeans and walked out of the room. He passed the clothes and Hua Cheng looked down at them.

Xie Lian pointed to the bathroom and Hua Cheng walked to it. He came out moments later and looked rather handsome.

His long hair was now tied into a ponytail rather messily and Xie Lian quietly helped him fix it. If he could blush, his face would be as red as a tomato.


"I thank you." Xie Lian nodded with a smile. He looked down and noticed the pants that the man wore were rising and the shirt looked more like a belly shirt than anything.

Hua Cheng didn't mind as he started to reapply the jewelry he removed in the bathroom.

"I can say one good thing about that brat. He has good fashion taste."


"Don't eat too fast. You'll open your stitches."

Feng Xin looked up with one noodle hanging from his mouth. "I think you're underestimating the doctors. That's your fifth time saying that to me."

"I'm just saying." Mu Qing pouted as he folded his arms.

"You're worried about me. My cute little Mu Qing." The man blushed and wanted to hit him but he stopped when he remembered his injury.

"Who's worried about you? Not me. Never me."

"Oh yeah? I heard that you stood outside my door crying like a scared wife." Feng Xin teased him and Mu Qing's blush deepened as he yelled.

"I wasn't?!  I didn't shed a single tear for you."

He did but he would never admit that to the man next to him.

Feng Xin nodded with a sad look.

"I see." As Mu Qing saw his face, he leaned forward and did the last thing he thought he would ever do.

He kissed his cheek.

He sat back down after and put his hands between his legs. "I did cry a little."

Feng Xin looked and couldn't process what just happened. He didn't until a long while and his brain almost exploded.

"You're gonna be the death of me. My heart hurts from all the cuteness."

Mu Qing hit his arm softly. "Has getting stabbed made you more shameless?!"


"What do you think Hua Hua is doing?" Shi Qingxuan played with the straw of his milkshake and He Xuan ignored him. He was simply too immersed in his meal to acknowledge him.

The man pouted and kicked his chair.

"What?" He Xuan looked at him with sauce dripping from his mouth.

"You pig." Shi Qingxuan said this but he grabbed a napkin and wiped the man's face.

"I'm not one of your toddlers."

Shi Qingxuan shook his head and gave him a heart-stopping smile.

"You're far worse."

He Xuan wanted to punch that thing he called a face.

Then they heard a thumping noise making them look to the right of them. An older man waved and Shi Qingxuan gritted his teeth.

The older man walked into the place they were and came right to their table.

He looked at the pair and smiled brightly.

"I haven't seen you in so long, Shi Qingxuan. You've grown." The man was Pei Ming who Shi Qingxuan didn't like for who knows what.

But Shi Qingxuan didn't dislike people for no reason. He didn't like this man because of his playboy past.

"Are you two on a date? Sorry for interrupting."

"You say that but are you sorry?" Pei Ming tilted his head at the man and laughed halfheartedly.

"I just noticed you two and thought I'd come in and say hi."

Shi Qingxuan held up a hand and grimaced.

"You may be married to my brother but that doesn't mean we have to be overly friendly. Does it?"

He Xuan didn't care for the squabble and continued his meal in silence.

Pei Ming couldn't get a word in because he was cut off by a person coming up behind him.

"Old Pei? It is you." Pei Ming turned and was met with a familiar face.

Ling Wen stood waving but she wasn't alone. Yushi Huang stood next to her. Their hands were entwined.

"Ling Wen, you're looking well."

Ling Wen shook her head and smiled.

"You're looking better. Sorry I couldn't make it to the wedding. I was doing things."

"I'm guessing the woman next to you is now called "things." Ling Wen hit his arm playfully and Yushi Huang laughed a little.

"I was just talking to Shi Wudu. You two are adopting a child?"

"More or less. Only for him to keep around the house since he wants one so badly."

"You're describing it as a decoration."

Pei Ming laughed. "Isn't that all they are?"

It was safe to say, Pei Ming wasn't fond of children.

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