That summer night it all began

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Hey please no hate on this. This is my first ever story but if you are reading this hope you enjoy it.

       Amelia's eyes fluttered open as the birds chirped outside early in the morning. In one quick motion she turned off her alarm and got up and made her bed. After she finished making her bed she walked groggily out of her room and to the bathroom. She quikly got undresed from her nightgown and turned on the shower. After a few seconds Amelia hopped in and sat there for a moment letting the hot water pelt onto her back soothingly. She quickly grabbed her favorite bodywash that was lavender and vanilla scented and her loofa. She put a generous amount of soap on it and scrubbed her whole body slowly while still waking up. She washed off her body then quckly used honey lavender scented shampoo and conditioner to clean her dirty brown hair. She then turned off the water and wrapped a towel around her body then wiped the mirror that had now been covered in steam off. Today was a special day her bestfriend Eva was coming to her parents summer cabin on the lake to spend a week with her. You see Amilia's parents were on a buisnes trip for the week so they couldn't come up to the cabin so to make sure Amelia wasn't alone they let Eva come to stay with her.Eva would be arriving today and they haden't been able to see eachother in months. In all this time Amelia sure had chandged alot they were starting their second year of highschool and Amelia had gained some serious curves and a more e-girl styled way of dressing, but she rocked it.Although Amelia didn't want to admit it she had a major crush on Eva and she was also a closeted bisexual because her parents and town were homophobic. Amelia had tryed to push her thoughts of her and Eva as more than friends away but no matter how hard she tryed they would always come back.But now was not the time to be thinking about this she had to get ready since Eva would be here soon.Amelia put on some light makeup with a smokey eye and dramatic fake lashes. She then threw on a short black skirt thigh garters that attatched to ther thigh high socks that were black with two stripes of white at the very top. She then put on a fishnet material top with a super low cut cropped shirt on top of it (Sorry I suck at explaining things like this so hopefully you understand) and she rushed downstairs to put some finishing touches on the house before Eva got there. She put the rest of the dishes away and was about to go and look everything over a third time even though she knew it was perfect just to pass the time when the doorbell rang Amelia immediately started to sweat and get anxiety. She ran over and opened the door and her breat immediatally hitched in her throat,if even possible Eva look even more breathtaking than Amelia had remembered but this sensation didn't just happen to Amelia it happened to Eva to.

Ok well here is my first chapter done I kinda left it on a cliffhanger but sorry for any grammar errors or typos. Hopefully ny the time i post the next chapter someone will have read this. Also I know this is short but the next one will be longer also updates will mostly happen late at night because that is when I work best. 

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