chapter one

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tw// mentions of alcohol, drugs, blood/violence

ring ring

ring ring


ring ring

"Hey bitch boy class is over"

Dream looked up and was met with Sapnap standing over him, he could faintly hear the school bell ringing throughout the empty classroom. Sapnap was Dreams best friend. They'd been friends since both of them were in preschool. Sapnap was basically Dreams only friend and they'd been through everything together. Since they were younger they never went by their actual names, they always used nicknames. Nick was called Sapnap. He came up with this name himself because he thought Pandas spelt backward was Sapnap. He isn't the best at spelling, but he sure does love Pandas. Clay was referred to as Dream, because he was always sleeping. Yes, the nicknames were kinda silly, but they just stuck after so many years.

Dream slowly lifted his head up off his desk, it took his eyes a few seconds to adjust to the bright lights. He looked around and noticed the classroom was empty. He slept through class. Again.

Sapnap looked down at Dreams desk and noticed the tests they just received back from their teacher.

"Dude you failed again" Sapnap grabbed the paper from under clays arms "Your moms gonna be pissed"

Dream grabbed the test back from Sapnaps hands "Like she's even sober enough to care" Dream crumpled up the test and stuffed it in his backpack.

Sapnap ignored this comment. He knew what Dream was saying is true. Dreams mom was never really there for him, she was always out drunk or at home passed out on the couch. Dream had no siblings and had never met his father, all he really had was his mom. Dream hated his mom though, she was the reason that he had gone down such a dark path at such an early age. She introduced him to drugs and alcohol when he was in middle school. He'd been high basically everyday since.

Sapnap helped Dream pack up the rest of his things and they both walked out of the classroom. As they walked into the hallway both boys immediately noticed the chaos being ensued. Dream saw the captain of the football team, Schlatt, beating up a small kid who Dream had never seen before. He tried to figure out who this kid was, but he seriously had no clue. The boy looked helpless, his body looked fragile. For some reason Dream felt like he should go step in and help this mystery kid, but his thoughts were quickly interrupted. Sapnap grabbed Dreams arm and pulled him to the side.

"Dude come on we gotta go" Sapnap pulled Dream down the hallway. They both made their way to the back of the school. It was lunch time, but neither of them ever went to lunch. Since freshman year they both always sat outside under the bleachers together during lunch. This made sure they'd always see each other even if they had no classes together. It was only September, so the air wasn't too cold. They ran over to their usual spot and sat down on the warm grass. Sapnap immediately pulled out his lunch and ate it within minutes. Dream on the other hand decided to skip lunch today. He pulled out some pills he found in his moms stash and placed them on his tongue. He put in his earbuds and closed his eyes as he swallowed the pills.

Lunch ended much quicker than either boy expected it to. They could faintly hear the school bell ringing, meaning it was time to go back to class. Sapnap sat up and reached down to grab Dreams hand. Dream just looked back up at him "Can we just hang at your place for the rest of the day, I can't do math right now" Dream and Sapnap had this conversation everyday.

"Dude no" Sapnap grabbed Dream and pulled him up right "I know you'll just sleep, but at least go to class."

Dream rolled his eyes over sarcastically "Ok anything for you daddy"

Under the Bleachers | (AU) DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now