Chapter 1

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"Finally," I groaned, as I parked my car outside the building of what's supposed to be my new apartment. The 16hr drive from my hometown was both physically and emotionally tiring, and to say the least, I was drained for the day.
"Yup, this is it," I breathed out as I dangled my car keys and a few boxes, rechecking the address of my new home.
Struggling to the elevator, I finally made it to my floor.
"Apartment 106,107,108,109 ... ahhh 110."
Fishing the key out of my pocket from which the landlord gave me before heading up, the boxes shook as I tried to open the door.
"Damn it," I groaned as I toppled through the door with boxes flying as the clattering of my personal effects echoed on the ground throughout the room.
"What a way to make an entrance,babe" a feminine voice grounded out.
"Ahh fuck, don't scare me like that!" I squeaked with my hand over my heart, startled by the red haired woman staring down at me.
"Sorry, babe" she giggled, as she bent to help me retrieve my belongings.
"I'm Christina, but my friends call me Christy, your roommate," she said,smiling brightly at me.
"Anastasia but you can call me Ana,"
"Come on, girlfriend, lets get you settled," she exclaimed, swinging her arm over my shoulder, pulling me further into our apartment.

For the rest of the evening, Christy and I drank some wine and got to know each other better. You would be surprised as to how much we have in common. She was like my long lost sister and my heart was content that I already made a friend, more like a best friend already, in this new path.
Knowing my savings won't last long, Christy informed me about the new personal assistant position at her job and how interviews start tomorrow. With secretarial experience for the past 3 years, I really hope I land this job, apparently with an arrogant CEO, everyone in the office seems to fear, according to Christy or as she said, "it's like walking on eggshells around that man!"

Next day
"Ahhh shit" I groaned in pain as I stubbed my toe on the side of the kitchen cupboards.
Hustling back into my room after a shower, I dug through my boxes to find something presentable for my interview today.
You see, last night, my drunk ass set my alarm for 8:00pm instead of a.m, hence the crisis this morning. If it weren't for Christy ringing my phone this morning, I would've been doomed. She left for work since 7 this morning and now I'm here struggling to get myself in order for this job.
Settling on a black high waisted pants and white blouse tucked inside, paired with some black heels and a natural makeup look, I pinned my wavy hair into a high pony tail and headed out the door.

Finally reaching the skyscraper building, I parked my car and bustled to the elevator with my resumé in hand.
"Damn it, I have only 10 fucking minutes," I panicked as I glanced at the time on my wrist watch.
"Shit! Sorry!" I groaned as something nudged my shoulder hard and my resumé went flying.
Upon retrieving it, I raised my head and was met with the most beautiful oceanic blue eyes, I've ever seen. With his hair styled back and a jawline so sharp it could cut paper, my mouth was agape as I ogled this fine specimen. His tattoos peeked through the sleeve of his crisp black suit, literally playing hide and seek with me. Damn this man is sexy!
"Don't you have eyes to watch where the fuck you're going!" he arrogantly grunted.
And just like that, my bubble of awe and sexiness for this man bursted.
Who the fuck does he think he is? He's the one who bumped into me! The fuck!

"What a waste of good looks," I muttered.

"What did you say?" He said through clenched teeth.

"I said, what a waste of good looks. Everything went down hill when you opened that damn mouth of yours. God may have blessed you with good looks but everything turned ugly with that arrogant behavior of yours,"

"Do you know who the fuck I am?"

"Should I?" I sassed with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm the ...." he started

"Hold that thought, for someone who gives a shit. The elevator is here and I'm late for my interview." I said, walking into the lift.
"Saying sorry never killed anyone. You should try it sometime," I winked as the doors closed upon the shell shocked man who stood raging as a bull.

The dinging of the elevator signaled the 50th floor as I stepped into the vacant lobby. Approaching the desk, "Hi, Good Morning, my name is Anastasia Hart, here for the interview of Mr.King's Personal Assistant."
"Yes, Ms Hart. Mr King will be with you shortly. Please have a seat in the meantime."

About 15 minutes later, the secretary called, "Ms Hart,"
Raising my head, she gestured to a door engraved with 'CEO of The King's Estate"
"Mr. King will see you now,"

With a deep breath, I opened the door but just to my luck, my ankle buckled and my black heels twisted, causing me to bump into the office decor, making a clashing noise as I entered the room. Not daring to raise my head, my eyes remained glued to it on the floor, as my face turned red with embarrassment.

"Are you always this clumsy or just plain stupid?"
Raising my head, without missing a beat, my stupid mouth responded without consulting my brain, "Are you always this arrogant or just plainly an asshole?"

My eyes widened the size of saucers as I stared at the man behind the glass desk.
I knew as I was in deep shit, realizing I just insulted the CEO of King's Estate, my potential new boss. Not only once but twice or three times, as those blue oceanic eyes from earlier stared back at me with anger.

Hey my lovelies, I know it's been a while since I've written anything. I wanted to take a new approach on a new genre of writing. Quite different from my previous book, "The Mafia's Bodyguard." If you haven't already, please check it out and show your love and support.💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
This is the very first chapter of my new book. Please show your love and support. 💜💜
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Thanks again 😄☺️💜

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