chapter six: jealousy

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Harry sighed dramatically, draping his body halfway on the table. "I have to give up my muffin to bloody Malfoy, Tom! A tragedy!"

Tom smiles. "Well," he said, "you can have mine."

Harry pulls himself into a sitting position, removing himself from the top of the table. His face is tinted pink. "You always do that when I lose to him," he sulks.

"And I'd be happy to do it again." Harry blushes, causing Tom's grin to widen. "I'm sure you'll best 'em one day, mate. Until then, catch."

Neither one noticed Draco Malfoy glaring at Tom Riddle and for that, Draco was glad.

Draco had recently came to a realization, one that he really wished he hadn't. Two realizations, both just as bad. One:

Draco was gay.

And two:

Draco was jealous of Riddle!

When Harry had said that he didn't want to kill Draco- a touching gesture, however small- something in Draco clicked. It was so normalized to kill the first person you hate that Draco couldn't comprehend the fact that Potter either A- didn't want conform in that way, or B- Potter didn't hate him.

Either option made Draco feel an arsenal of emotions he was not anticipating. If Potter was way less violent in nature than most people- which seemed possible, with his rant about the unfairness of the knife system- that meant Potter was different. More interesting, he'd say.

And if Potter was just like everyone else, who wanted to kill who they hated, and that meant he didn't hate Draco, which also seemed a possibility. That made him feel... fuzzy inside. He couldn't quite put his finger on what the feeling was, not for a long time. Not until he saw Tom Riddle shamelessly flirting with Potter, who seemed flustered but oblivious.

Harry was giving him this huge smile while holding Tom's gifted muffin, and Draco's first thought was: Why isn't he looking like that at ME!

He was jealous. Because he liked Harry fucking Potter. The idea make him sick to his stomach.

He wondered how in the world Harry didn't notice Riddle's obvious interest in him. Was he really that slow? Did he just think normal friends did that?

It was also fairly obvious Harry liked Tom a fair bit, even if Harry didn't realize it. That made his blood boil with jealousy, again, and Draco had to wonder where in the hell all these feelings came from? He guessed he'd had them for a while, but the energy of his interest in Harry had manifested in the form of hate.

God, he'd been obcessed with Potter, hadn't he?

He'd had a stupid rivalry with him just because he wanted Potter's attention! Pathetic, really. Not that he didn't still hold some dislike for him- he still thought Harry was as arrogant as they come and a show off- but now he realized he'd always felt something more. Not just hatred of a two year rivalry.

It was gross, mushy... feelings.

The kind his father definitely wouldn't approve of. He pushed that train of thought out of mind, because he was not excited to think about what his parent's reactions would be if he came out to them. Not a conversation he planned to have in the near future- or ever, for that matter.

Draco's mind wandered to Riddle, again, and how Harry dare have a crush on him when he could have a crush on Draco. It's hardly a competition!

... Okay, maybe he and Harry weren't on the best of terms and it made complete and total sense that Harry didn't like him, but still.

Then, an idea hit him.

He could just eliminate the competition. He had a knife for a reason, yes? Just one well placed stab and oh no! No more Riddle making lovesick faves at Potter.

But Draco scolded himself for the thought. What an awful, awful plan. For one, Harry didn't like the whole free-kill system. And killing Harry's childhood best friend hardly seems like a way to get into his good graces.

He wonders... Had Tom ever thought about killing him? God, was that even a question! Of course the git has! He'd been terrorizing his crush for the past two years! And if he knew about Draco's newfound revaluations, he'd probably snap and kill him immediately.

Harry's probably the reason Tom hasn't slaughtered Draco ruthlessly yet, isn't he? Of course, Harry's the reason he wants to in the first place, but still. Harry's very anti-Ministry, so of course his best friend wouldn't kill anyone. Harry's probably be pretty pissed if he did.

And Harry enjoys their little rivalry. Tom wouldn't want to erase that joy for him, would he? Draco was glad; he quiet enjoyed his head on his shoulders.

The more he thought about their rivalry, the more Draco realized how stupid it was. Which one of us is better? Well, they'd both be even better if they joined forces and focused on helping each other. Merlin, the incredible things they could do together!

Draco suddenly feels very very remorseful and has the string urgue to do a lot of things. Punch stupid flirting Riddle in his nose, apologize to Harry, and then snog the shit out of him.

None of which he does. Nice to fantasize about, though.

Draco thinks about Harry's family, too, while he's at this whole realization thing. What in the world could his aunt and uncle done to invoke hatred from Saint Potter himself. Had to have been something really fucked up, but Draco couldn't figure out what. Nor could he just go up and ask him, now could he? Imagine that conversation. "Oh hello Harry, I know you hate me and think I hate you, but could you share this piece of potentially personal information with me?"

What a nightmare that'd be.

Draco made a plan. Three steps, easy as can be.

1. Break up with Potter (rival wise.)

2. Befriend Potter.

3. Woo the shit out of him.

Simple... right?

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