it remains a mystery!

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Natallie's POV

I get ready, I feel a small light brease

What was that! I say

Riley: uh... what was what?

I run off

Kate's POV

I don't know about the history of this place, but I know it isn't haunted

Riley's POV

I know that one night when James told me  a scary story about this place being haunted, it possibly can't be true.... can it? 

James' POV

After dance Riley comes over to me

Riles: Hey!

Hey I say

Riles: listen, I love you and I know you said it was a prank/joke but, I need to know the most honest and truthful answer to this question, is the story real!

No! why would it be I say

Riles: Fine! but we will  break up if it is real

The Next Step: Step it up(4th book in my The Next Step: Regional's? book series)Where stories live. Discover now