This Is It, I'm Done

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‘’So when did you meet Katie?’’

That was it… I mean I needed a moment before I say anything because I was fed up with questions about Katie. That douche should know that he’s on a date with ME. Not with Katie.

Ben is a cute guy, I can say that he is maybe hot too. But I guess he isn’t interested in me… What he is interested in is Katie. As usual.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Katie. She’s a great friend. But you know… When she’s the hotter one, sometimes you wish boys would want to see more than your body.

’’Ben, I am going to be honest. All you have been doing is asking questions about Katie. I mean I know we are close friends and everything but… come one, you are on a date with ME! If you were gonna talk about her all the dame time why the hell did you wanna take me on a date?’’ I said in a calm voice. Seriously.

He just sighed, scratched his nape. Then he bit his bottom lip, looked everywhere but me.
I coughed and then raised an eyebrow of mine implying that I am waiting for an answer.

’’Well, okay then I am gonna be honest too Amber. You are a great girl. You are kinda pretty too. You know, your ideas, opinions about things that I don’t care but… you know, it’s just not gonna work out,’’ he said.

I needed a minute to get everything he said. Oh god, this didn’t make any sense.

’’Stop yelling, everyone is looking at us! I only accepted to go on a date with you because Katie asked me too, okay? Because I thought if I do that then maybe I’d tell her that it didn’t work out with you and you know…’’

’’You are disgusting. I am done here I hope you know that I am the best thing that never happened to ya,’’ I said as I got up and took my purse.

’’Oh gosh, another band song reference? Okay which one is from? With that In the Crowd one or Sirens one?’’ he said sarcastically.

’’Go to hell,’’ I said in a sharp tone.

Then I went to the goddamn door.

I am so done with dating even college boys. I think I am never going to find the true ones. Jeez.
When I came to the dorm Katie was out as usual. I don’t even have any idea where she is, or which party she is at. Jenna was up, Becky was reading.

When they see me entering, they both said ‘’Hey’’ at the same time. I replied back in a low voice.
’’So I assume it didn’t go well with that Ben guy?’’ Jenna asked.

’’Well, yeah, what did I expect? That he is someone that I could talk about things that I like or I care about. Well I made that mistake one time my friend… And trust me, I learned my lesson. He’s not that kind of a person,’’ I said as I fake smiled.

’’Details? I don’t think I completely understood what happened between you two,’’ Becky said as she closed her book and put it on her nightstand.

’’Well long story short, he’s interested in getting Katie’s pants, only reason he wanted to take me on that stupid date is to make Katie like him for somehow? He is probably gonna tell Katie that we couldn’t get along or something like that and then try to get Katie. Oh God, I am so stupid.’’

’’No offense dear but you are like a moron magnet when it comes to boys. I hope you will find the true one someday,’’ Becky said.

‘’Do you think you can set me up with some British gentleman? I don’t know Tom Hiddleston is hell of a guy. He’s so gentle.’’

’’Well apart from him, not every British guy is gentleman… It’s sad but true. But I will see what I can do dear.’’

’’Well I’d love to set someone you up as well Amber but I think you lost your interest for American guys,’’ Jenna said with a laugh.

’’I think I lost my interest for dating or I don’t know. I just don’t know. I guess I will just have to wait. You know… Many years ahead of me blah blah blah. I will eventually find someone I think. Like you… Your relationship is great!’’

’’Oh you know every relationship has its their thorns and everything but we are doing fine.’’

’’I am happy for you. Well okay guys, thanks for sharing my pain. Now I better take a shower and then get some sleep. I’d love to listen some sad music and cry but I think I am out of tears since Dennisaster . So no,’’ I laughed.

Becky and Jenna laughed too. Then I left for taking a shower.

I thought. I thought about everything.

Then I told myself to screw it.

You’re leaving for California, your dearest hometown is waiting screw it all

It sounded like a good idea.

But I wish it was easier to do as saying or thinking.

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