Chapther One

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Pebbleleap walked down the street, hands in his pockets. His black hair was naturally covering his right eye as we walked down Main Street in Seaclan territory. He didn't know what to get Willowfrost as a gift. After all, she had offered to give him some soft pillows for his home. He walked up to the apartment door and took a deep breath. He then walked in and blinked his brown eyes. It was his room, obviously. It was his alone and probably would be that way forever. He gave another heavy sigh and threw himself on the bed. He groaned with frustration, knowing he would have to go shopping for groceries. He turned so he lay on his back and stared at the ceiling. He was obviously thinking of Willowfrost, her blue eyes blistering in his skull. He gave a small smile and leaned up and put his elbows on his thighs, cradling his thin head in his hands. He closed his eyes, her image burning through his sight. "<b>Can't I forget her?</b>", he asked no one in particular. He got up and went to his small bathroom and combed his hair into perfection. He leaned forward, examining his eyes. He loved their light colors, common to most everyone. He looked at his shirt that was blue and his dark jeans. He frowned, feeling as though something more fancy was required. Pebbleleap went to his closet, tripping over his shoes laying by the bathroom door, and scrambled around in the clothes. He flailed his arms in frustration as he couldn't find anything. Then it appeared, like something from the heavens. It was a silky white shirt and black slacks. He remembered wearing these clothes at his graduation. He smiled at the thought and took his jeans off, slipping the black slacks on his pale legs. He looked in a mirror and smiled. They still fit, probably due to the fact he was thinner in winter. He slipped his shirt off, not without running his hands across his chest. He knew he wasn't that strong but man! He felt like he was pretty strong. He grabbed the white silky shirt and unbutton it. He then slipped it on, buttoned it up, and admired how it looked. He knew his muscles had grown after nearly a year after graduation. Probably from all the walks he took. Pebbleleap checked his hair again, then made sure his teeth were clean. He wanted to be stunning. He quickly slipped on the first jacket he saw, a black tuxedo jacket. It fit obviously and he rushed out of the apartment complex. He waved at the other Seaclanners he passed as he rushed to the floral store. He looked at the short stock. "I'm sorry stocks are low. Everyone wants to impress their special someone!", the person behind the counter commented. Pebbleleap chuckled. "Then I'm not the only one." He picked out a set of lilies, white ones with flecks of pink in them. The clerk smiled at him as he payed before Pebbleleap left. He hurried down the street till he came to a house. He sighed and checked his breath really quickly before knocking on the door. He held the floors in his sweaty hands and smiled shyly, his cheeks burning. The door opened, and Pebbleleap smiled. "Hey Willowfrost. I got you a gift!"

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