Chapter Eleven

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Tweek's body collapsed on the bed as his blood dripped from my newly formed fangs. I caught my reflection in the mirror across the room; my hair was longer now than it had been the previous afternoon, the dirty blonde color was now a soft gold. My eyes were black, skin pale as snow, and mouth full of razor sharp, long, blood covered teeth, leaving me looking less human and more demon in nature. My head snapped towards the portal that had opened only moments before, meeting the gaze of Satan himself. Tweek's parents stood in the doorway staring wide eyed at the mixed batch of terrified supernatural adolescence all watching me with fear filled eyes. The echo of my panicked screamed words slowly died out as Damien moved to check the banshee's pulse. "He's breathing heavy, his skin's cold, and he's sweating an incredible amount but whatever you did is slowing his heart rate and calming his body. Clean his blood off your face, you're scaring people."

"Is he gonna be okay?" My voice cracked as I stared at the boy I had just sunk demon teeth into. "What the hell was that and why the fuck did it happen?"

"I'm afraid that was the Mating ritual for a banshee and a spawn of Cthulhu." Satan informed the entire room of teenagers. "I do believe this means one of you will be preparing to birth young soon."

"WHAT?!" I felt my chest rise and fall rapidly as my head began to swim. "No, no, no, no, this isn't happening. Tweek can't be my mate, he deserves so much better than me. WE JUST MET! I got him hit by a car, I... I don't feel so good..."

"KENNETH MCCORMICK, CALM THE FUCK DOWN AND BREATHE YOU JACKASS!" Kyle snapped suddenly. "Did you not hear what he said? It's too late. However your species reproduces, it's done. One of you will give birth. Now step outside, get some air, then come back in here and help us clean up your mate!"

"How does this happen? Why is this happening? First Butters and Zery, then Cassius and Craig, now you're saying Tweek and I just skipped entire chapters of normal love stories and fell straight into parenthood?!"

"Kenny, man, we're not human. Our species all have different mating cycles, claiming rituals, and reproductive needs." Marc cut in, "Yours apparently is a short and straight to the point one."

"What the hell am I supposed to tell him? 'Oh, hey Tweek, glad to see you're okay. Sorry I bit you, but good news, we're gonna be parents, please don't skin me alive and eat my heart.' Yeah, that would go over real fucking well," I snarled angrily as Tweek's blood mixed with my spit to drip down my chin. "AND WHEN THE FUCK WILL MY MOUTH GO BACK TO NORMAL?!"

"Kenny?" Tweek's voice called from behind me, causing me to spin around and stare at him like some sort of wide eye, drooling nightmare. His eyebrow raised only a bit before he rolled his eyes and laughed. He reached over to grab me by the sleeve and drag me back into the bed with him. His nose nuzzled into my neck before he giggled and pulled back. "You have me on your teeth, man, and not in a sexy way. I'd kiss you, but that's my blood, my fucking blood, Kenny. Why are you still wearing it? Do you know how unsanitary that is? What happened to your face? Will it stay like this?"

"Uh...." My face lit up like a Christmas tree on fire and my eyes grew blurry as the blonde just accepted me as I was at that moment. "Tweek...."

"Damien, what's going on?" Tweek turned to face the spawn of Satan as his hand moved to my hair, gently rubbing. Why was he so calm? When did we switch places? What was going on? "What happened to me?"

"You sure you want that answer, Screams?"

"Spill, Hell-spawn," the boy laughed lightly. "I feel fucking high, my immortal man-dog is incredibly scared and rather odd looking, my brother looks like he saw a ghost and my parents look like they'll die if they don't fangirl soon. Satan's in my bedroom and my throat is bleeding everywhere. What's happened?"

"Father," Damien moved to look at the king of Hell. "Is he-"

"It seems so. We'd need a blood test to know for sure." The giant hooved man sighed. "I'm afraid using our magic on them right now could hurt the children."

"Children," Tweek blinked slowly. "I always wanted kids. Too bad I'm gay. I guess there's always adoption. Oh, wait, if Twitches and I are both gay... oh... I guess that means the banshees die with me, huh?"

"Tweek, sweetie," Satan tried to reign in the boy's scattered thoughts. Tweek was acting very strange as he moved calmly, thought slowly, and barely focused on those around him. "How would you feel if I told you that kids were possible for you without adopting or surrogates?"

"I'd be rather happy. I'd love to have my own brat." Tweek smiled.

"I CAN'T!" I suddenly squeaked, Tweek's arm tightened around me and held me in place at his side, fingers still running through my hair. I struggled to get free, my lungs felt tight and my body shook in fear. I could see how scared my friends were, they had never seen me this panicked. Damien and Satan exchanged glances. "PLEASE, I DON'T KNOW HOW?!"

"Kenny," Tweek's voice had an edge to it. "Shut up and calm down."

I felt myself turn pale and look down. What was happening? I wasn't the submissive type so why was I cowering like this? Was Tweek mad at me? Did he hate me?

"Slow down your thoughts, Ken." Tweek spoke quietly. "They hurt my head. You're submissive right now because you're scared and confused. You need to calm down. Whatever happened while I was out, it's done. We'll figure it out like we have everything else that's come our way. I'm not mad, I do not hate you, and while I'm unsure of why I can hear your thoughts, I have an educated guess. So, Damien, I ask again, what is going on?"

"Tweek," I swallowed slowly as I finally realized that I wasn't the birth giver. Tweek was. I could smell it on him. I could feel it. I knew. He was my mate, my pregnant mate. I had fucked up and got the new kid pregnant in front of an entire room full of people then cowered in fear of his reaction. I had jeopardized my mate's safety and the safety of our young in those few moments of panic. Tweek would be in danger if I didn't man up and protect him. "I sort of got you pregnant, man."

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