Chapter 1

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The three kingdoms of Korea known as Baekje, Silla and Goryeo had unified to become one great Kingdom called the Joseon Dynasty, under the rule of the great Lee Family who had worked arduously to unify the kingdoms together. Once the first ruler of the unified kingdoms, King Lee, had perished, his son was forced to take the throne at a young age, stepping up from the role of crown prince to King.

Since he was too young to rule alone, his mother, the queen dowager took control of his duties until he was old enough to rule. Though she had faced many oppositions due to her gender, the queen dowager was ruthless and had managed to keep her place, ensuring her son's title was safe.

By the time he had turned 16, he was married off to his childhood sweetheart Seo Soojin, who was from a noble family from the Seo Clan. Both sides approved, crowning them as the reigning King and Queen on the day of their marriage. On that same day, Lee Dongmin had also announced a name change to Cha Eunwoo as a statement to show he would change the kingdom for the better.

Unfortunately, a year after their marriage, Eunwoo discovered that Soojin did not love him and was only using him for the power he could give her. Falling out of love with Soojin, Eunwoo had found himself falling for his head maid, Sowon. Sowon was a beautiful, young woman with very light brown hair, almost seeming blonde in colour. She was a hard worker and a kindred spirit, leaving Eunwoo completely infatuated with her.

Once Soojin had found out about Eunwoo's interest in Sowon, through one of the maids she had planted as a personal spy, Soojin sought out to put an end to it before anything could start between the pair. Eunwoo was a king with no love, it would only be a matter of time before he would most likely announce his feelings to Sowon or worse... appointed her as his concubine, giving her power. Soojin wanted the power all for herself so she devised a plan.

Sitting in the wooden bathtub, Soojin sighed as her head maid brushed her long silky raven hair delicately. The scent of the burning sage leaving her nauseated.

"That goddamn awful smell," Soojin muttered, scrunching up her nose. "Throw it away."

"But it cleanses the palace of evil spirits," Hyeonjung protested, placing down the brush beside her.

"I'd rather be plagued by evil spirits than have to smell that pungent scent," Soojin scoffed, standing up. "Get my towel."

Standing up, Hyeonjung walked over to the corner of the room, grabbing a towel and returning to Soojin. Her body was surely a masterpiece, Hyeonjung was always surprised by Soojin. If there was such a thing as the perfect human, it would surely be someone who looked like Soojin, though, their personality would surely be much better than hers. Soojin's behaviour was reprimandable but she was nice to those who she was closest to and for that Hyeonjung was thankful to be on her good side, she had seen those on her bad side... Not good.

"You know, you're really quite a beauty," Soojin observed, stepping out of the tub with Hyeonjung's help as she wrapped the towel around her.

"Thank you," Hyeonjung felt her cheeks become warm because of Soojin's compliment.

"We've known each other for 10 years," Soojin reminisced. "Ever since you came to work for my family, you've been loyal. You're intelligent, beautiful and it's impossible for anyone to hate you. You are perfect..."

Hyeonjung was confused by Soojin's sudden kind remarks, wondering if she was being dismissed from her job. If so, where else would she be able to work on such short notice that would pay her as much money as the palace did? It wasn't a ton of money but it was enough to provide for her family of 4 back home. Her mother and father were able to live comfortably with her two younger sisters and save up a hefty dowry to marry them off when they get older.

"You are the closest to me," Soojin smirked. "The most trustworthy person on my side. I have a quest for you. It will take years of lying but I'll make it worth your while."

"What is it?" Hyeonjung gulped, debating whether she would reject the queen's request and potentially get on her bad side or accept it and live a life of lying for...

"If you tell anyone, I will end your life." Soojin threatened, earning a nod from Hyeonjung. "The King and I are not romantically involved and he's been getting lonelier. These days he is interested in his head maid, a pretty young thing. It's only a matter of time before he admits his feelings for her. She'd be mad to reject a king. If they were to become romantically involved, she'd be given the role of a concubine and that would give her power."

Soojin made her way over to the corner of the room, stepping behind a golden dressing screen, holding her hand up for Hyeonjung to pass her over her night clothing.

"My position as queen being threatened by some peasant girl... How depressing." An evil chuckle was heard from behind the partition. "All my power over Eunwoo. I can't let that go. That's where you come in. I'd like to offer you the chance to become his mistress, in return, I will pay you a large sum of money each month to send back home to your family. I just need you to seduce him and tear him away from Sowon. If he's going to have a concubine, I'd rather it be someone who I have full control over. Plus, there are many other benefits. You'd have an elevated title, riches and potentially a chance at love, I mean he is a handsome man."

"How would I do it though?" Hyeonjung questioned.

"You're an intelligent young woman, I'm sure once he lays eyes on you that he won't be able to take his mind off of you." Soojin came out from behind the partition, wearing a long red silk gown with a matching nightdress, patterned with dragons on which was quite fitting considering her fiery personality. "You're irresistibly charming. I'm surprised that you don't have a line of admirers already. I'm going to retire to my chambers now, you may leave."

"Yes, Queen Consort." Hyeonjung bowed, leaving Soojin alone in the room.

Grinning to herself, Soojin headed out of the washroom and towards her chamber as her maids, who had waited outside the door, now escorted her back before departing, switching places with the royal guards, who would guard the door as she slept.

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