Chapter one

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(Y/n)'s p.o.v.

"Wake up (Y/n). It's time to get up." Said Isabella. "Or you'll miss breakfast." She said with a smile.

"In a minute." I said not wanting to get out of my comfy bed.

I heard other kids runing around in the halls.

"I want to remind you that you have checkup this month."

"Thanks. I'll remember that." I said as I grabed my shirt.

My name is (Y/n) as you heard. I live in Grace Field House and I'm half human half demon. Now you might be wondering like "what am I doing here?" "what do I eat?" and so on. Well I eta regular human food like bread and apples and more. As to why I am here I really don't know.

"Good morning mom and (Y/n)" said bouth Ray and Normin.

"Good morning." I said.

"Goud moringh guyes." Said Ema with a hand in here mouth.

Ema, Ray and Norman. They are the oldest and the smartets kid in here not counting myself. I zoned out most of their conversation. Then I heard Isabella giggle.

"What's so funny mom?"

"Oh nothing, Ema. Can you give me hand?" Isabella asked.

She wined but still helped her. They talked for a moment then Isabella ring the bell. I stat down.

"Good morning my dear children. Lets give thanks to all 39 of you siblings that you are able to live here happy today. Thank  you for the food." She said.

"Thank you for the food." We said.

We started to eat then Conny, the most cutest thing I have ever seen, came over to me and asked to be fead her.

"Okay. Open up." I said not being able to visit her cuteness. I swear I just felt a few glares at Conny but I didn't see anyone so I just shrug it off.

Someone's p.o.v.

"No fear Conny I want to be fed by (Y/n)"

(Y/n)'s p.o.v.

"It's delicious." Conny said holding on tight to her little bunny.

Then everyone left to take the daily test while I was at the library reading some books.

Then when everyone was done with the test they went outside and so was I. Isabella forced me to go outside she said that "I need to get some exercise once in awhile." So now I was sitting under the tree next to Ray while he read his book.

"Lets play tag." Said Don. "You to (Y/n)."

"I'd rather not."

"What are you chicken?" I glared at him a little bit, he flinched. Then I gave a side glanced to Isabella who was nearby within earshot. She gave me a nob.

"Alright you're on, but only once and I will be it instead of Norman." I said. Ray mumbelt something with a frown. I decided to ignore him.

Everyone started to run into the woods and I started counting till 10.

I think it's a good time to mention the ups and downs of being a half human half demon.

Ups are: my senses are heightened from seeing to hearing to even bee tasting. As well as my epileptic abilities I can run as fast as regular adult if not even faster I can even punch stronger and so on

Downs are: I get tired pretty easily. I also have to keep my true appearance the secret such as my enormous wings and a very long tail and horns. That's what I usually sleep without a shirt on and that's why I have my own room separated from others.

Enough now it's time to search. It took me about less than 5 minutes to catch everybody except Emma andNorman they're the last ones.

I go deep with the catch them of guard. I put my ear on the ground to listen for any vibrations how many times did Ali behind are also smell the air. I know where they are.

It took me a while of running but I caught them now we are heading back.

"Okay now I'm going to rest rest up." I stated.

"Come on play with us more pleas." They begged.

"No. I said one game."

They continue to powd but the still played tag without me. And before we knew it tonight's came and so was time for Conny to go. I went along with them because I need to go for medical check-up. It was hard to hide my sadness.

When we finally came the gates opened up we went in and so do the demons came near us. I tried my head it did the other direction not wanting to face Conny. Her screams were quite painful to hear and I let you only but the single tier to drop.

Went somewhere else for a little discussion. We came back and Connie was now in a pod.

"How's production going Isabella?" I heard them ask.

"Is going quite well. There are no problems." She said with a blank face void of any motion.

Then one of them said they smelled something. I sniffed there as well I was terrified they were here. The guard bent down and looked under the car he picked up little bunny. I was really scared and by the looks of it so was Isabella that she was more paniced than scared.

I don't know what happened later I got into the car we got to the base and they proceeded with a checkup.

Emma's p.o.v.

We started running from the gate we nearly got caught when we were far enough my legs give out and I landed on my knees.

"That wasn't real Conny is still alive, there are no demons, and (Y/n) is a normal guy right right??" Trying desperately to convince myself that this is nothing more than a dream I really horrible dream.

" I'm sorry Emma but what we saw and heard was true and I don't think we can trust (Y/n) anymore.

I couldn't control my tears anymore and broke down. Norman was there with me trying to call me down everything will be okay.

"What do we do?"

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