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To Elizabeth,

   The weather's pretty similar to Oregon in DC, so I'd bring similar clothes to what you'd wear now. 

   I'm going down to Arizona at the moment, but I should be back to pick you up. If I'm not, I'll make sure to call you so you know I won't be there. I'm excited to see you. 

   I've got the final plan set for your personal tour of DC. I'm hoping you'll like it. I'm still looking into restaurants that serve kosher food or has a large vegan selection. I've never actually been to a kosher restaurant, so I'm hoping we both enjoy it. 

         I'll see you at the airport next week,


Dear Spencer,

   I'm all packed for DC, I can't wait to see you. I hope you get this letter before you come to pick me up. 

   I'm glad you're looking for kosher restaurants. It's normally quite difficult where I live to get kosher food, to the point where if I'm ordering out I tend to just order vegan or veggie, just to make sure I'm good. Just so you know, halal restaurants follow the same rule as kosher when it comes to meat, just no shellfish or pork for me. Don't worry too much about all of the really strict rules, I'm Reform Jewish, I believe following the Kosher rules is a choice. Personally I follow the basic rules, though if it's unavoidable I might cheat a little. 

   And don't worry too much about kosher food, it's pretty good. There are some spicy stuff, that's pretty good. 

   I hope you stayed safe in Arizona.

          I'll see you in a few days,


My letters to you - Spencer Reid x OCWhere stories live. Discover now