All The Man That I Need

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"This is Thembi and Hank, Thembi and Hank, this is Drake," She said as her first guests of the evening arrived and they all exchanged hellos and handshakes as they took their seats. "Can I get either of you a drink?" she asked and they both agreed, telling her what they would like just as her intercom went off again, signalling the next pair of guests to arrive...

"You okay?" He asked her as he walked over to where she stood watching the game of jenga continue, and she gave him a nod and a small smile.

"Are you?" she asked as she wrapped her arms around his torso and he gave her a kiss.

"I'm great. Having a great time with all your favourite people," he said with a smile encouraging a chuckle from her. "Now I just need you to meet all of mine,"

"Doesn't help that most of them aren't in New York," she said with a raised eyebrow and he agreed with her.

"Don't worry about that, we'll take a trip to toronto together soon," he said and placed another kiss on her temple. "Come on, we lost this round, but we're winning the next,"

"It was definitely your fault so I'm holding you to that statement," she said as she picked up her drink and they went and took their seats, watching as Lauren and Marcus debated their next move...

"Happy New Year!" They all cheered as they stood on Nicki's balcony and watched as the various firework displays went off.

"Happy New Year baby," he said to her as they pulled away from a kiss. "Started it the way we should finish it," he said softly as he tucked her hair behind her ear and she blushed.

"Happy New Year." She placed her hand on his cheek and didn't hesitate to pull him into another brief kiss. She rested her head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her and they enjoyed fireworks. She had a good feeling about this year, and being with him only strengthened that feeling. He was her peace and he made her more than happy...

Drake woke up the next morning to a dark room and a quiet atmosphere. He didn't even remember how the previous night had ended, but he was glad he had managed to dodge the headache that usually reminded him of the events.

He took a moment to just enjoy the stillness, before he reached over to the side table and picked up his phone, to check the time and various notifications on it. Upon getting through the most important ones he decided to finally get out of bed and start his day...

"Good Morning," she said to him as he walked over to where she stood plating their food and placed a kiss on the side of her temple.

"Good Morning, did you sleep well?" he asked and she nodded. "Food smells amazing by the way," he added and placed another kiss on her temple before heading to get the glasses and start setting up the table.

"I'm glad you think so," she said and placed the pan she was holding into the sink and picked up their plates, walking with them to join him at the table. "Did you sleep well? Tequila did you dirty last night," she said with a smirk and he shook his head with a smile.

"I slept great. And honestly, I don't remember a thing beyond the third one," he replied causing her to laugh. "However I don't blame the tequila, it was definitely the rum, but I woke up with no hangover so I would do it all again,"

"I heard Hank and Eric aren't singing the same song." They shared a laugh and allowed a short moment of silence to take over them as they started on their food. He reached over and took her hand into his, running his thumb over the back of it for comfort; a gesture he always did during moments of silence. It was simple but reassuring and she loved it.

"So what are the plans for next week?" he asked her and watched as she thought for a moment.

"Surprisingly we're not actually too busy next week. Everything is fairly under control at the moment, for me it's just gonna be authorising some stuff and overseeing a few contracts. First week of the year is usually quiet but that doesn't last. I assure you I'll be swamped by week two," she said with a sigh and he chuckled. "How about you?"

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