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~Seungkwan POV~
" Hyung! "
"Aish, I know your there."
" Kim Mingyu, I swear to jisoos if you don't come out I'm going to fucking murder you. "
"Geez. Alright, I'm here, Kwan. Why did boss even call us out here for anyway?"
" I don't know, but it must be important if he came all the way to Seoul for this. "
"Oh. You're here. Great. Lets get started then."


"WHAT?!" Mingyu and Seungkwan exclaimed.
"They're WHAT now?" Mingyu asked.
" You want them to WHAT!? "Seungkwan exclaimed.
" You can't be fucking serious-"
"Oh. But I am. We need them. We've been having a close eye on them for a while. We need people like them on our team."
" Yoongi hyung! Are you sure that they're really, you know, part demon? "Mingyu questioned.
" i am sure. It's either that, or they're like our newbies, who have a personality disorder. "
"Newbies?!" Mingyu questioned.
"Yes. All the way from China. They're just as crazy as the rest of us."

For those who are curious, Mingyu and Seungkwan are in fact a part of this mysterious society. Why? Because they were raised to become a part of the mafia, but that's a story for another time. Long story short they were found by the leader, and were taken in. Later on, they pursued in music, but still do other work when called upon. They're father figure was, of course, the leader, Min Yoongi. Also known as Suga.

"I guess we could find a way to bring them to the Seoul base. But what happens if they don't join?"
"Don't worry. They will."

----------------A few days later------------------

~Vernon POV~
'It should be around here. Hey, is that...'
"Wonwoo hyung you're here too?!?"
" Yeah... Mingyu asked me to come here. I guess Seungkwan asked you too. Let's go in. I think we'll get more answers there. "
" Nonie! "
'There stood out two boyfriends and another man. Who is he?! How does he know them?!?'
"Why'd you call us Kwannie and Mingyu hyung? And, who's that?"
" Uh... Well this is-"
"Don't worry. I'm Suga. I'm these two's guardian and their 'dad', but I'm not that much older than them."
"You're more of a dad then a brother, hyung."
" Yeah! And Hobi hyung is our mom! "
"YA! L-let's not talk about that." Suga blushed.
" *ahem* Anyway, to answer your first question, we called you here to join our mafia. "


Hi hi! It's been a while. Things happened and I wasn't able to update. TvT Sorry. Anyway, yes fun fun chapter. Lot's happened. Please, bear with my errors and anything grammatically wrong. edited.


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