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Shoyo grabs his bags and his books and heads out the door. Yes, Shoyo. But probably not the shoyo you remember. That tiny middle blocker? TINY? Not any more...atleast in some areas. Shoyo is a 23 year old med student. Med? Yes, med. He also does volleyball, but to make the national team you have to have taken at least one year of regular m (major) classes. Shoyo always liked to "fix" people up after all.....all right I'll stop. Let's get on with the story.

Hi! I'm Hinata Shoyo. I am 5'9. (YES 5'9, people grow) And I am gonna be the little giant! (wait...thats not right.)

I'm going to go to college! (yup, thats it)

But right now, I don't think I'll be going anywhere.

3rd POV 

"Chibi-chan~" The average heighted boy flinched as he felt arms slither around his waist, and a hot breath on his neck. "Don't tell me you thought you would get away?" The tall man whispered into the boy's neck, the type that sent chills down Shoyo's spine. "Ah ha ha..Kuroo-san! I didn't see you there..." The smaller boy (once again not that small) but compared to the taller, slowly tried to get out of the embrace, to his dismay as another tall red haired figure grabbed his wrist to halt his movement. "where ya going? shorty." The red haired man smirked as he looked down at the shorter one. "Tendou..." The shorter boy sulked.

"HEYYY! What do we have here?" a once again, GIANT, skipped over to the three boys. As he looked at the position the 3 were in, he grabbed Sho's legs, opening them up and placing them around his waist. Now shoyo was basically being straddled by all 3 men. "Sho-chan thinks he can run away from us~" The boy with black hair said, as he reached his other hand over to Shoyo, gripping the left side of his throat and tilting his head to the side. "Hm, what do you think we should do about that?" The grey haired man, Bokuto, grasped the smaller boy's chin in between his fingers. Suddenly, the tall red haired male, whos hair was sitting flat on his head, unlike his usual gelled up hair snuck his hand up the smaller boy's shirt, and caressed the boys waist.

"How about we go somewhere." He paused, letting go of the small boy to open a room door, Shoyo being overwhelmed by so many people touching him at once, didn't know nor care whos dorm that was. "A little more private." The tall male smirked and after a nod of approval, the two males straddling the poor boy, who was caught in the middle, made their way inside. "W-wait, we have cla-" the smaller boy stopped as Kuroo held his chin up between his pointer and thumb, "are you sure you want us to stop?" The male smirked as he watched the boy freeze up. GOD DAMNIT, speak. They are about to rape you. The taller male chuckled in achievement as they made their way inside, taking the small male in with them.

"HEy...GUYS WAIT YOU don't have to do this.." The shorter male grunted as he was thrown onto the couch. Tendou grabbed his hair and pulled his head back. "color?" He said. The shorter boy sighed in defeat. "G-green.." He pouted a bit. The red haired boy smiled. "Such a cutie." He flipped Shoyo on his side and gripped his face down with his palm. As the black haired male was already slipping off the poor boy's shoes. Then his socks, then his pants. "M-matte-" (sorry i really wanted to add it, i love that word) "Nobody said you could speak." Bokuto said, as he gripped the boy's neck and sunk it even farther into the cushion. Tendou grabbed Shoyo's hand and put it up above his head. N-No way..This is actually happening for real. And the colors?? I thought that was a joke..Shoyos mind raced with thoughts.


"Hey Sho." Kuroo said. "Hm?" Shoyo replied. "There's this thing online where you say colors to represent some kind of safe word in sex." Kuroo said back, nonchalantly. "Oh yeah?" Shoyo replied, "joking" along with him. The other boys in the room, which included Atsumu and Osamu Miya, Iwaizumi and Oikawa, Tendou, Bokuto, and many others looked up. "So, would you use it with us sometime?" Tendou smirked, placing his chin in his palm. Shoyo chuckled and replicated Tendou's actions, smirk and all, "Oh, for sure. That is, if you could." He looked the red haired male straight in the eyes. Tendou and the other male's in the room's eyes widened. Tendou looked away, with red cheeks. (what type of cheeks...JKJK) Atsumu smirked. Oikawa laughed. Shoyo went back to his original position.


Kuroo grinned and slapped Shoyo's ass. Shoyo bit his lip to prevent any noise. Kuroo didn't falter though, as he just slapped it harder for a second time, earning a whimper from the poor boy. S M A C K . Shoyo buried his head into the couch to muffle his sound until Tendou gripped his neck and lifted his face up, leaning into the boys neck, biting down hard on the flesh. "a-agh." The poor boy whimpered, as he couldn't hold it in any longer.


"Shit..." Oikawa covered his mouth, the other boys in the room were panicking as well. Well, yes they went into a PUBLIC dorm hangout, and not only that, the sounds could be clearly heard from the kitchen, where the other couple boys had peaked a bit. "fuck.." Oikawa whispered again, leaning his back on the countertop. "I'm getting turned on.." He said. "I'm just gonna go in there." Atsumu said, smirking as he started to walk into the living room. Iwaizumi just covered his ears, and prayed to jesus. "Thank god its only us." Osamu said rather calmly for the context.


Shoyo heard someone talking, he was sure he did. He bit his lip, containing any sounds. "These risky bastards, not even checking what dorm they went into." He, who thought he said that outloud, eyes widened. Thankfully not. "Well, well, well..." a voice said, from the hallway. Not just any voice. Miya FUCKING Atsumu. ONE of the hottest men on campus. "I thought hinata shoyo was an innocent kid. Turns out he's a slut." Atsumu said, as he watched the show go on. Shoyo took this as his chance. "!" the smaller boy yelped out. "As if. You disgust me." Atsumu scoffed, smirking. Kuroo looked over at him and chuckled, "that tent in your pants says otherwise."

Atsumu smirked. "I mean, I don't think the shorty could handle 4, much less 8." Shoyo's eyes widened. "I fucking knew it!! They did choose a public dorm." Shoyo buried his face into the cushion. "s-so embarassing." he whimpered as he didn't want to meet anyone in the eye. Bokuto scoffed, as he grabbed Sho's chin once more, lifting his head up, whispering in his ear, "but you love being humiliated don't you? you love to be bent over and dominated, you get hard on the thought of multiple people fucking you at a time like the slut you are ." he smirked as he bit shoyo's ear. "a-ngh" shoyo looked away, because he knew everything bokuto just said was true. Shit... Shoyo thought as he felt the buldge in his pants grow tighter.


" I-I have to go guys. I'll see you tomorrow" Iwaizumi said as he got up and ran to use the back exit so he wouldn't know. Osamu smirked as he looked over at Oikawa, who was currently blushing as he listened to the chatter going on in the other room. "Hey, kawa'." He said as Oikawa looked up to him. He walked over to Oikawa, as he was the same height as the older, had little to no trouble leaning in, and gripping the others waist as Oikawa's blush intensified. Osamu smirked. "e-eh?" Oikawa stuttered as his eyes widened and slightly looked away, avoiding eye contact with the other. Osamu sighed as he gripped the others chin, forcing him to look Osamu straight in the eyes. "w-what?" Oikawa stuttered. "You're such a dumbass sometimes, you know?" Osamu leaned in and kissed Oikawa.

At first the kiss was soft and sweet, as Osamu was trying to make sure that Oikawa was comfortable with his actions, when he saw Oikawa relax he slightly tilted his head to the side, allowing more access to Oikawa's mouth, deepening the kiss. He reached one hand behind Oikawa's head, gripping the back of it to lean Oikawa's head into him more. He smirked when he felt Oikawa whimper into the kiss. His smirk only grew when he felt something get harder against his leg. As he leaned away and started to kiss down Oikawa's neck, he stopped and bit down into the flesh. "agh. w-what are you doing?" Oikawa stuttered, as he covered his mouth, trying to calm his blood pressure. Because all of the pressure, was going directly down-"Heh, you're practically twitching under my touch. You can deny it all you want Oikawa."

 He smirked against Oikawa's skin and Oikawa shivered at the hot breath. Both of his hands went around to grip Oikawa's ass. "But your body is saying otherwise." He chuckled as he fondled Oikawa. " fucking bastard..." Oikawa whined as his hips involuntarily grinded against Osamu's knee. "So impatient." Osamu chuckled as he slid a hand under Oikawa's shirt and slowly pinched one of his nipples. Oikawa lightly moaned out as his eyes filled with tears. "Fuck.." Osamu groaned as he looked up at Oikawa. "That's really sexy." He stared at Oikawa with eye contact that could make anybody shiver. 


I'll be updating my other series too soon!!! THANKS FOR READING 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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