ten || michael

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I ran up the stairs and fiddled with our door handle before realizing I was turning it the wrong way. I finally slammed it open and walked straight to Preston's bedroom where he stood by the window looking out of it.

"I'm gunna ask you once..." I said getting his attention, "Why did you have my pills?"

Preston looked down, "I dunno."

"Don't lie to me. You were selling them, weren't you?" I asked.

Preston rolled his eyes, "It doesn't matter-"

"Preston how could you?!" I yelled.

"Look, the pills help them relax-"

"Help who relax?" I asked.

"The guys I'm selling 'em to." Preston said, finally looking up at me, "I'm sorry, I'll pay you back if you want."

"No, I don't need you money. Just d-don't touch them anymore." I muttered shakily and walked out of his room and into mine.

I shoved the bag of pills into my drawer and walked over to my desk, checking the small wooden box where I keep my spare money and important stuff at. I pulled out my anxiety pills, shaking the half empty bottle then shoved it back into the box.

"I swear to God..." I mumbled, opening my door then yelling, "Touch my pills one more time and you'll lose a finger!"

These pills aren't cheap, and dad constantly reminds me. I can't ask him for more he'll be way too mad. I guess I'll have to skip a few days and make them last.

AN: the chapters super short BUT i'll update a few more chapters tonight! and this chapter is dedicated to manicpanicmuke, thanks for the support and im so sorry ive been gone forever ILY ILY ILY

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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