Year 7 Part 8

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Once we were all back in the tent and Hermione had calmed down, we talked about our next step. "I think we need to go to the Lovegood's house" Hermione said "The Deathly Hallows is a clear next step and Xenophilius is going to know what it is".

"I completely agree," Ron blurted. "let's vote on it," Ron said, putting his hand in the air. Harry, Hermione and I started to laugh really hard. "What's so funny?" Ron asked.

"That's kinda" I chuckled "Harry's job". We started to laugh again before Ron just gave up and we apparated to the Lovegoods.

Harry knocked on the door and Xenophilius opened it. He looked at Harry but didn't say anything. "Er- Mr. Lovegood, I'm Harry Potter? We met a few months ago?" Harry said. At first the man looked confused but then he realized.

"Ah yes, please come in. Come in!" he said. I went in behind Harry and Ron and Hermione followed.

Once we were all sitting down with the tea that Xenophilius had made us, we got to business. "Sir what was that symbol you were wearing around your neck at the wedding?" Harry asked.

Xenophilius pulled the necklace out from his pocket and asked, "This one?". Harry just nodded in response. "Why this is the mark of the deathly Hallows" we all looked dumbfounded. "Surely you've heard the tale of the Three Brothers?" he asked, shocked that we didn't know what he was talking about.

"Yes," Ron said.

"Yes," Hermione said.

"No," said Harry.

"Maybe?" I said.

Xenophilius went on, (skip to the capitalized writing if you don't need to read the story) "Three brothers, travelling along a lonely, winding road at twilight reached a deep treacherous river where anyone who attempted to swim or wade would drown. Learned in the magical arts, the brothers conjured a bridge with their wands and proceeded to cross.

Halfway through the bridge, a hooded figure stood before them. The figure was the enraged spirit of , cheated of his due. Death cunningly pretended to congratulate them and proceeds to award them with gifts of their own choosing.

The eldest brother, a combative man, asked for a wand more powerful than any in existence. Death granted his wish by fashioning the from a branch of a nearby elder tree standing on the banks of the river. The second brother, an arrogant man, chose to further humiliate death, and asked for the power to recall the deceased from the grave. Death granted his wish by crafting the from a stone picked from the riverbank. The third and youngest brother, who was the most humble and wise, did not trust Death and asked for something to enable him to go forth without Death being able to follow. A reluctant Death, most unwillingly, handed over a part his own . The three brothers took their prizes and soon went their separate ways.

The eldest brother travelled to a village where a wizard whom he had quarrelled lived. He sought out a duel and fought the wizard using the wand, instantly killing the latter. Leaving his enemy dead upon the floor, the eldest brother walked to an inn not far from the duelling site and spent the night there. Taken by his conscience and lust of the Elder Wand's power, the eldest brother boasted of this wand gifted by Death and his own invincibility. That very night, Death transfigured to a murderous wizard. The unknown murderous wizard crept to the inn as the eldest brother slept, drunk from wine. The wizard slit the oldest brother's throat for good measure and stole the wand. That was when Death took the first brother.

The second brother returned to his home where he lived alone. Turning the stone thrice in his hand the figure of the girl he had once hoped to marry, before her untimely death, appeared at once before him, much to his delight. Yet she was sad and cold, separated from him as by a veil. Though she had returned to the mortal world, she did not truly belong there and suffered. Finally, the second brother, driven mad with hopeless longing, committed suicide by hanging from his house' balcony so as truly to join her. That was when Death took the second brother for his own.

Death searched for the youngest brother as years passed but never succeeded. It was only when the third brother reached a great age, he took off the Cloak of Invisibility and gave it to his son. Greeting Death as an old friend, they departed this life as equals".


Now I remembered this story. I had read it in the book Dumbledore had given Hermione.

"I'm sorry sir but I'm still a little confused" Harry said. To be honest, I was a little confused too. Xenophilius stood up and ushered us to follow him. He took us to his work table as he pulled out a piece of paper and his quill.

He started to draw a straight line "The Elder Wand", he then drew a circle that went through the line "The Resurrection Stone" finally he drew a triangle that covered the circle and the line "The Invisibility Cloak" he finished. The design looked just like the one on his necklace. "If one has possession of all three items, he is immortal. Death cannot take him away".He walked back over to where we had been sitting before and picked up the teapot "Your tea's gone cold, I'll be right back" he said as he walked down the stairs.

We were all a little weirded out by what he was doing and we figured it would be best to get going anyway. When we walked down the stairs, he was looking out the window.

"You forgot the water for the tea," Ron said. He looked back at us and walked over to the sink without saying anything.

"Sir, we should really be going anyway," I said. I didn't want to make him feel bad but we had a lot to do.

"NO YOU CAN'T!" He shouted at us. Although none of us flinched, probably the effects of being in hiding for the last six months. He walked over to the door to block it from us.

"Sir?" Harry asked questioningly. Xenophilius turned to face us with shaky breath.

"They took my Lulie Lu" he started "They were angry you see, about what I've been writing. So they took her. They took my Lulu" he said as he started to walk towards Harry and touch his scar. "But it's really you they want" he continued, looking into Harry's eyes.

Harry stayed surprisingly calm and just said "who took her sir?" Xenophilius looked into Harry's eyes before speaking.

"Voldemort" he said, very softly. Suddenly the house started to shake as we were being attacked by death eaters. Harry and I started to crawl on the floor to avoid the glass that was shattering all around us. "I GOT HIM!" Xenophilius was yelling. The four of us crawled to each other, held hands and apparated. 

Once we had all gotten up off the ground, Ron spoke. "That little git ratted us out. Who can you trust?".

"He only did it to get her back. But it didn't work" Harry said. 

"I'll do the enchantments" I said, as I turned around and pulled out my wand. Then I saw them, sixth death eaters.

"Hello beautiful" one of them said to Hermione. We all started to run. "Don't just stand there, snatch them" he called. They all started to run after us. I tried to run as fast as I could without tripping over the uneven ground. They started to cast spells at us and Harry fell over. 

"Harry!" I yelled. I cast an enchantment at him and he got up immediately and started running again. Everything was kind of a blur. We could have been running for two days, I wasn't really sure. Suddenly, Hermione and I paused and she cast a spell at Harry that knocked him to the ground. I ran over to him.

"Y/n, the hallows exist. But he's only after one of 'em. The last one. He knows where it is. He's going to have it by the end of the night. You-know-who's found the elder wand" Harry said. The snatchers came up and grabbed us.

"What happened to you ugly?" one of them asked Harry. His face was now unrecognizable Nicely done Hermione! I thought. "What's your name?" he asked.

"Dudley, Vernon Dudley" Harry responded.

"Check it" one of the snatchers asked another one. He walked over to Hermione "And what do they call you?" he asked.

"Penelope Clearwater, halfblood" the snatcher stroked Hermione's face gently until another one of them spoke.

"There's no Vernon Dudley in here" he said, holding us his book. The snatcher that had seemed to take quite a liking to Hermione walked up to Harry and studied his face. His scar.

"Change of plan. We're not taking this lot to the Ministry".

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