Chapter 12

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The light was hazy in her eyes and she called out, her voice muffled with her sleep, to no one in particular. She likely thought that she was once again home alone in her familiar room, otherwise she would not have said these words for she did not want to bear their weight, "which one hit me this time?"

In truth she had forgotten what had just happened, the time traveling and all that had occurred today.

Then she remembered in a daze that her brother was near, "Doyeong? When are we going to meet mum and dad for dinner? Are you bringing Hyerim Unnie".

"See," spoke Mireu, indicating that he was right; that she was capable of bringing up the subject of food when she was hungry.

"No, I don't see them," she said before sitting up and looking about confused.

"Oh god, is she okay?" Said a voice, one she doesn't recognize bet felt an odd attraction to. On the topic of attraction, she felt a great amount of it to something in the room, and it was not just that voice, but she didn't know what else it could be.

"Nope, not okay. It is my birthday and I haven't had cake and my history test had dumb questions on it. Not even history," she spat with slightly annoyed disgust following the initial instability of her little rant.

"You know Doyeong, I bet our parents will be excited, I got soul words. Seven unique and beautiful phrases that I don't understand," she said, focusing on her brother, a wide smile cruising the seas of her face, docking in each of her cheeks as her voice rose in glee; telling her brother what she had kept hidden even as she spilled her secrets to him upon their reunion. It wasn't like she didn't want him to know, she did, it was just that it felt too intimate and she wanted her soulmates to be the first ones to know. To be the ones to share the news, the happiness of the occasion with. But her mouth wasn't exactly connected to all the circuits of her brain, almost as if someone had forgotten to plug that one last cable in after rebuiting her system and the words fell out without a second thought.

Gasps could be heard, evidence of the shock contained within the small room, and the bursting intreage, disire from her seven to know more; more about their markings upon her skin; about this mysterious girl whose sleepy and untaim voice slipped so easily through their ears and reverberated softly in their hearts; all about her, and all about their future together.

Soul words were a blessing that, since their first manifestation, have been found and proven by countless soul scientists to be directly linked with the strength of a soulbond, it's type, and it's outcome. Having one in a pair was a happiness in and of itself; and her words just told them she had seven. And they could not wait to know what her's said.

They had each received their own soul words about a year after they met, and just like how their other soul marks were shared between the seven, so to was their phrase.

It appeared simple. A few words that with a quick glance seemed only to tell them to wait. To be patient with the growing love their souls fostered; "Love's not Time's fool".

However, it is much more than a simple instruction and Jin gleefully told the group that it was actually half a line from one of Shakespeare's poems. He had heard it mentioned in one of his classes, a tangent his teacher had walked about the beauty of the renound writer's lyricism and literary genius. He knew it was a deep line, one of great importance in the poem that itself was borderline philosophical. And as he read the words that appeard on his arm that day he wished that he had payed greater attention in class.

Luckily for him, and the others, Namjoon was also familiar with the poem, having come accross it during one of his many dives into literature. His familiarity with it and the English language helped him explain to his members the depth of the phrase; the connection they each shared with their soulmate: true, undiniable, unulturable love that would fade not even with the guiding compass held in the hands of Time.

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