24. Secret relationship comes out...

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Everything went well between abhigya both enjoyed their time when they're together even it was only for little time

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Everything went well between abhigya both enjoyed their time when they're together even it was only for little time.. Because of pragya's condition both couldn't have time to spend with eachother... Every weekdays at five after pragya's college time both will meet in love paradise restaurant near a park...

After an hour they'll leave separately... At night they will chat on whatsapp for sometime later they'll sleep...On weekends they can't meet other than chating...

Due to Pragya's luck bulbul didn't ask anything on that day after that pragya didn't left any chance to make her doubt on her...

Three weeks passed like this... Abhi want to spend more time with her like others he want to drop and pickup her then taking her to movie, beach then late-night talks but for pragya he buried every wish of him...

Love paradise restaurant...

Pragya reached first at sharp 5 and waits for abhi like always... After fifteen minutes he came hurriedly and gives a puppy look while asking sorry... Pragya smiles...

Abhi: why you always let it go just like that... Not even for a day I came at a correct time and I always make you wait for too long... Don't you get angry... He asks after seating next to her by taking her hand within his...

Pragya: I didn't give you enough time for us other than this for that don't you get angry

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Pragya: I didn't give you enough time for us other than this for that don't you get angry...

Abhi chuckles and says I am forgot as I am speaking to a professor... Answer for a question is an another question...

Pragya smiles...

The waiter placed two cappuccino even before they placed their order because now they're their regular customers... Both smiles and thanks him... Abhi always wear hoodie cap and cooling class to avoid attention from his fans...

Both starts to drink that while sharing about their day...

Abhi: fuggii this is for you... He gives two VIP tickets for his concert to her...

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