Chapter 1

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Braelyn's POV

        Today is like any other boring mundane Monday. I woke up this morning and my car wouldn't start. Which means no coffee stop for me. Now I am on a short fuse snapping at everyone and am getting a headache. Everyone who knows me, knows that coffee is like my life force. Without it. Let's just hope I can get some soon.  I hope there is no line after school at the coffee shop.  I pity anyone who stands in the way of me and my coffee. 

     As this mornings lecture continues to drone on I think about the crazy weird weekend that just happened. Not only did a teacher get fired for hooking up with a student. Gross. But, a student from our neighboring school went missing. For a seventeen year old popular kid to go missing there is going to be a lot of whispering. I heard from social media and many other people in school that he was attacked. However I don't believe anything they are saying. Dad's a cop and he already told me that he was alone when he went missing. That means everything being said is rumors and speculation. People just want something to talk about and sadly Connor's disappearance is the new talk of the school. 


As the teacher calls out my name I realize the bell has rung and all the students are almost completely out of the room. As I hastily pack up my notebook and pen and try to rush out of the room I feel a blush grow on my face. My face turns ten shades darker as, when I turn around I turn right into the shoulder of another student. As all my backpack falls to the floor I feel my nose for damage. 

"I'm Sorry, are you alright? You seem to be in a rush" said the handsome stranger who I think just broke my nose. 

"Honestly, I spaced and missed the bell and am now in a rush to my next class. However now because of your shoulder being in the place where my nose was trying to be I think I have to stop at the nurses office. Unless she has coffee I am not looking forward to see how the rest of my day goes." I didn't mean to sound snappy but I don't care if he has a pretty face. My nose hurts, I'm late for class, and I want coffee. 

"Yikes maybe I should have started classes tomorrow. Didn't know that today would be such a bad day. Do you think the fact that I contributed to your bad day will pass the bad luck on?" He said with an annoying smirk on his face. 

"I'm sure you think you're cute and all, but I have to go. Welcome to the school I guess." I hastily left the room before he could say anything else. 

Later that day...

         As the final bell rings I sprint to the exit of the school building. I have a date with whatever coffee I can get my hands on. Thankfully the rest of my school day had been uneventful. I did not see the mystery guy in any of my classes but there was talk about a new family moving to town. Supposedly this family was very secretive, their ancestors used to live in our town but they moved away and the town rumor is that every few hundred years the family returns to live here. I think it's just old people trying to have fun by continuing folklore and scary stories to pass their time. Plus who cares if it is the truth? Maybe different generations of the family feel this is their home while others consider wherever else they lived their home. 

         As I arrived at the local coffee shop the smell of fresh coffee instantly calmed me down. As I walked in, Mary behind the counter smiled big. She knows me well as I am always here. I study here all the time as it tends to be quite and the fact that smell and the endless supply of coffee help me get my school work done faster. After my order is placed I find a seat. I like to sit towards the back where it is more secluded and quiet. This allows me the privacy and quietness to be able to read. I love to read. I always have. If I ever have free time this is what I prefer to do. I could care less about parties, I don't need a bunch of fake friends or even a boyfriend I just need a book with a great plot and some romance and I am good. 

       As my coffee arrives I settle in to begin my long endeavor. I plan to finish the book that I recently started reading. The book has barely been out of my sight all weekend. As I am absorbed in my reading the time passes quickly. Before I realize it my stomach is growling alerting me that I need to head home as dinner will be ready soon and I don't want my parents to worry. I quickly  finish up probably my fifth cup of coffee, since they serve them in those small cups. As I rush to check my phone to see the time and make sure I have no messages I get a chill. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I get goosebumps up my arms. I quickly turn around and look at everyone in the shop. No one seems suspicious or as if they are even paying attention to me.  

       I quickly grab my bag and yell a quick thank you and goodbye as I leave the heavenly coffee shop. As I make the journey home the feeling that I got as I was leaving stayed with me. It's almost as if someone is watching me, or even following me. That is ridiculous though. I don't even entertain the idea by turning around. I just continue to walk home. As I finally go through the front door and am greeted with the smell of dinner I just laugh to myself. I knew there was nothing out of the ordinary. 

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