Don't Throw Away Your Shot

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Phillipa's pov

2006- 16 years of age

My name is Phillipa Soo and I was born in Libertyville, Illinois in 1990. I've lived here for most of my life. I'm currently a high school student at Libertyville High School. My hobbies include theatre, singing and acting. I love watching musicals and singing along to them. My parents support what I love to do, even though I think they wished I was in the medical field, like my dad. My mom, on the other hand, loves how I do theatre. The only problem is, lots of kids at my school hate me. I'm not very popular and don't have many friends.

I never let the mean kids get to me. Honestly? I never let anyone get to me. Except this one boy... *sigh* Lin. Lin-Manuel Miranda; who I know, will be my future husband. I'm sure of it. Lin doesn't like me back, at least not right now. But I know he will. I just know it. Just you wait. He may even be pretending he doesn't like me back, because he's so popular. But really, secretly, he could! I mean, you never know.

It all started when we moved houses, back in 1999. When we first met.


''Honey! Please help me move these boxes!'' My mom called.

Ugh. I hated moving. I was only 9. Couldn't I just relax before school started? Jeez, I could never take a break.

"Coming!" I yelled back, internally rolling my eyes.

''Oh, honey, good; you're here. Go to the truck, your father has the boxes there.''

I sigh and run over to my dad. That's when I saw him. He was beautiful.

His short black hair.. His brown eyes.. Oh I could drown in them. Everything about him had me absolutely helpless.

''Hi honey, mind helping?'' my dad said.

"Don't really have much of a choice do I?" I say, still staring at the boy across the street.

"Not really, grab a box." I sigh but do as told. My father is not one to be tested.

The box was a lot heavier than I imagined it would be. Within seconds I had dropped it and everything inside had spilled out. ''Oh no!'' I cry.

The boy that I saw earlier noticed that I dropped it and came running over.

''Hello! You must be our new neighbours. Do you need a hand?''

I froze. I didn't know what to do. I mean what do you do when you see a literal GOD standing in front of you. ''I-I-um-I-''

"You... accept my offer?"

"Uhh, y-yes, sorry yes. I do." I say nervously, too caught up in his dazzling eyes.

''Great. I didn't catch your name."

"Pip- Phillipa. I'm Phillipa.'' I stutter.

''I'm Lin. Lin-Manuel.''

"Nice to meet you Lin."

"Yeah, you too."

I get so caught up in staring into his eyes that I forget all about the boxes.
"Pipsicle, you comin?" My father shouted.

I wince and look back at Lin. ''Um.. I- have to- uh- go! Because- I have to um- go-''

He chuckles a bit. ''Goodbye, Pipsicle.''

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