coming out

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No pov trying out a new format let me know if you like it, also requested by mus1cal_trash and ya~

Boleyn: "hay, Cathy? Can you get everyone together in the living room? I need to talk about something."

Anne said. It was around noon and everyone had already woken up.

Parr: "ya, are you finally gonna talk about the thing?"

Cathy said with a smerck and Anne rolled her eyes. 

Boleyn: "ya I think it's a good time."

*Jump to everyone in the living room*

Jane: "Ok Anne what do you need?"

Boleyn: "well there's som-"

Aragon: "another husband to steal, more attention"

She said in an anoyed voice, that made Anne's blud boil.

Boleyn: "no I just need to tell you-"

Kit: "Anne are you okay? You're face is red?"

Boleyn: "I'm okay kat I just need to tell you guys that I'm-"

Aragon: "wasting our time?"

Boleyn: "I'M GAY!"

the room fell scilant. Anne without another peep, ran out the room, up the stairs and to her room.

*Hours later*

A small knock was herd on Anne's door.

Lena: "Anne? Are you in there?"

No answer.

Lena: "Anne, I'm coming in."

Anne was in a ball of pillows and blankets, on top of her bed.

Anne: "Go away, please, I'm not in the mood."

Lena: "are you okay?"

Anne: "I said go away."

Aragon egnored Anne's orders and sat on the edge of Anne's bed.

Lena: "I'm sorry for what I said, I just I didn't think you were coming out. The last time you said something was important it was about you finding shoes with wheels."

Anne chuckled from under the covers, Lena smiled.

Anne: "I think I'm in love with someone, and I'm scared, what if she finds out I like her, what if she doesn't expect me, what if she finds out I have nightmares about dieing and all I can hear is a man saying boy fetch my sword, Catherine I just, I don't know what to do."

Lena: "Annie, calm down," *Anne sat up* "come here you need a hug, and if this girl or guy or unicorn dosent like you for being a creative, amazing, funny, beautiful pirson thain they don't deserve you."

Anne practically jumped into Lena's arms and hugged her tightly.

Five minutes later, didn't let go and just draged lena on to the bed laying down next to echother without brakeing the hug.

Ten minutes later, still didn't let go, but Anne did cuddle on to Lena. 

Twenty minutes, still clinging on to her like if she let go she might never be able to go back to the way it was in the soft conferrable scilance.

One hour, Anne appered to be asleep, Lena was stroking her hair for the past forty five minutes, thain carefully, as if Anne might get lost in darkness if she woke up, Lena- ever so slightly- kissed Anne's template, and said in a hushed voice....

Lena: "Te el amor de aquí a la luna."

Anne: *quite as a mouse* "I love you too Lena"

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