|| Not far away / The destruction of the ice palace ... ||

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You and Elson gasp slightly, looking around with a small smile at all the memories they had. 

[Young Elson]Hi! I'm Olaf!..-You heard the voice of young Elson- And I like warm hugs!..-You laugh when you hear that young Elson speaks with a silly voice-

[Young Anna]I love you, Olaf!..

Elson laughs as he continues walking next to you, both of them smile at another memory.

[Y/N]Elson, y-you know I can't skate..-You scream as Elson pulls you gently while you skate backwards-

[Elson]Come on love. If Anna can do it, you can too..-He laughs as he helps you to stand up-

[Y/N]: What nice memories..-You murmur, looking at all the memories-

[Elson]: Yes, but now we will make more memories together..Well, not all the memories were good..-He gave you a small smile, hearing his past self sing, making you laugh while you covered yourself mouth with your hand-

[Anna]I just wasn't looking where I was going. But I'm great actually..-Anna takes Hans's hand, Elson stops and looks at him with a frown-

[Hans]Prince Hans of the Southern Isles..

[Y/N]: I didn't remember him since that day..-You murmur, looking at the memory of Hans. Elson scoffs, destroying Hans's memory as they continue walking- Elson..-You smile playfully at him-

[Idunna]I need to tell you about my past. And where I'm from...-Idunna says, making them both gasp as they run fast towards them-

[Agnarr]: I'm listening...

The young woman (M/n) laughs, hanging from a tree while Agnarr was reading a book, Idunna was picking flowers from a distant place.

[Agnarr](M/n)!..-Agnarr gasps, surprised-

[M/n]What are you reading, Your Majesty?..-She smiles sweetly at him-

You and Elson look at the moment with a smile, seeing how happy they looked.

[Agnarr]: Oh, some new Danish author...

Elson gasps when he hears Gale's familiar screech, seeing the memory of his escape. Gale places (M/N) and Agnarr in the back of a wagon, Idunna got on quickly.

[Y/N]: Elson..-You called him, making him look at you- Look..

[Soldier]King Runerard, I'm sorry. I don't understand..-Elson looks at him and walks towards you, they gasped slightly-

[Elson]: Grandfather?..-Elson asks, looking at the memory-

[Runerard]We bring Arendelle's full guard..-Runeard answers firmly, the soldier follows them as they walk-

[Soldier]: But they have given us no reason not to trust them..

Elson looks between the two while you and he stops in front of him, Runeard's eyes are on the same level as Elson.

[Runerard]The Northuldra follow magic. Which means we can never trust them ...

[Elson]: Grandfather..-Elson gasps slightly, narrowing his eyes and tilting his head in confusion-

Memories |Frozen 2  Elsa(Male)XReader)|Where stories live. Discover now