From Singapore to Seoul

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"JIMIN!!!!!," Jeonghan yelled but the latter didn't respond

"JIMIN!!!!!! GET UP NOW OR I WILL FUCKING MURDER YOU!!," and that's Jimin woke up, after hearing his brother's serious tone

Jimin hurriedly went to his bathroom to brush his teeth, after that he went downstairs not minding to fix his messy bed in case Jeonghan will break his bones for not to hurry

"What!?," he exclaims as he saw his brother who's standing on the dinning area

Jeonghan glance at him, "Jihyo is coming home later. Dad sent her to us, to stand for us like she is our mother. Dad seems so worried about us so he sent Jihyo here," Jeonghan said directly

Jimin's jaw dropped as he heard the news

"Really? Noona is coming home?, we are already old to be care of," he complain and went to the kitchen to get some cereals

Jeonghan followed him, "It's okay for me tho, at least she didn't bring her annoying girlfriend," Jeonghan said and he laugh along with Jimim

"Then we can go whatever we want. Noona must be so busy doing the house chores," he said and laugh hard, along with Jeonghan

"Yah, Jihyo's mouth is so loud tho, especially when she is mad," Jeonghan said

Jimin then nod, "I don't care. And hyung I didn't tell my friends that I have a talkative sister," he said

"Yeah, same here. We can tell them if she will arrive," he said and Jimin nod

After their breakfast, the two decided to watch some movies while waiting for their sister

Jeonghan is about to get up to get some cola when someone ring the bell

Jimin hurriedly went to the door and open it wider

He saw his sister who's struggling with her luggage

"Noona! Why you need to bring that three luggage with you?," Jimin asks annoyingly and get the two luggage and put them inside

Jihyo sighs and flip her hair back, "You know, all of my accessories are in there, so yeah," she said and approaches his little brother to ruffles his hair

Jimin rolled his eyes and slapped her hand, "Yah! Respect your older sister! And where's Jeonghan oppa?," she asks

Jimin didn't respond but he pointed the kitchen, it means that Jeonghan is on the kitchen

Jihyo nod and went to the kitchen, she saw Jeonghan who's washing the dirty plates

"Oppa! Now I'm arrived you didn't welcome me!," she pouted but Jeonghan still doing his job

Jihyo is so done so she approaches her brother and she slapped his butt making Jeonghan to flinch and glance at her

"What the—, will you please shut up. And unpack your luggage!," Jeonghan yelled, acting like a real older brother

𝑨 𝑴𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔➣ 𝐁𝐓𝐒Where stories live. Discover now